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arsene york-hunt 8:43 Sat Sep 1
The London Stadium...
...a great day out for the supporters of every shit team in the PL

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wanstead_hammer 8:02 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
Yeh, missed it as well yesterday.
The mancs can fuck right off. Let's hope we go on a decent run and move right up the table now.
Still can't take to it though and will go as and when.

ornchurch ammer 7:50 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
Didn't go yesterday as my boy was playing in the morning.
Glad we stuffed the Mancs.
HATE the stadium with a passion.

If we win very home game for the rest of the season I will appreciate the wins but NOTHING will make me enjoy the experience of going to that stadium.

dicksie3 5:33 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
The stadium served the purpose of the following points for me, SOLD0 LOVE:

- Decent view of the game
- Great atmosphere
- Brilliant team performance
- 3-1 victory over one of the top clubs
- Easy to go for a piss
- Almost as easy grabbing a beer (by the looks of it as I didn't drink yesterday after feeling like I was dying the previous night)

No complaints from me but I'm a simple man with simple needs. There's nothing DIVA about me.

Northern Sold 5:17 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
Could you get a beer and get to the toilet ok Capsie 3 son?? After all that's the main thing eh??

dicksie3 2:35 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
The DRUIDIC AND GOGGLEBOXER DIVAS will still have moaned about the stadium yesterday. Wankers.



normannomates 5:12 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...

each to their own mate...any bod who like the place..who am i to say nay?

its not for me on many levels..but will never have a go athers who like it.

my issues lie on a mendacity level.

HairyHammer 4:59 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
I knew you meant in general normannomates and was not talking in my direction, I am terrible with punctuation but English I can handle.

HairyHammer 4:56 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
I guess that is sort of my point I cannot like you imagine anyone who has gone to Upton park even a few times now thinking they are in a better place at the London stadium, I just think if the results are decent then the whole Stadium issue becomes almost mute.
I think it is simply about accepting it, to me it is very impressive to look at once inside but that is about it the atmosphere suffers because it is so big and too often chants or singing does not travel around itself, so it feels like an atmosphere of bits and bobs, but I have never been there on a big game where West ham have played well and won.

normannomates 4:40 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...

i wasn't aiming it at you my friend.

generally..most bods will forget about the issues off the pitch if we are doing well on the pitch..

HairyHammer 4:15 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...

No I am not shallow and I am not a fan who goes to that many games either so I do not count, I agree compared to Upton park I know it is shit, I just want to know what proper fans who attend religiously feel. and today so soon after beating a big team is the day to ask.

normannomates 2:28 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
hairy 2.11

you have to be shallow as fuck to go by how well the team is performing.
.sadly..i dont doubt there are many that do
..not me sunshine

normannomates 2:21 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
see sammy the engine is still going..fair play to the old cunt

Johnson 2:14 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
Shut up Hairy you tit

HairyHammer 2:11 Sun Sep 30
Re: The London Stadium...
I doubt Man Utd fans had a great day out at the London Stadium yesterday, so the question is this, does a win make any difference to the stadiums quality ?.

All I can see is very happy West ham fans, so it must have completely left the mind of those who hate it so much and proves beyond doubt that if the results are more positive no one truly cares about it .

And I know it's not a football stadium and I am not a fan either, but tell me that you felt that yesterday as you watched West ham busting a gut and every player trying their utmost, you did not even think about it did you?, you left that place buzzing without the tiniest thought about the stadium.

normannomates 1:55 Fri Sep 28
Re: The London Stadium...
its all political between the tory cunt and the labour cunt...we dont enter into it.

the fact she has lied about pretty much everything seems forgotten about.

from the world class corporate offerings to the state of the art retractable seating...oh and the small matter of the digital wrap.

i couldnt give a fuck about corporate tbf..but even they deserve to have a moan up if what was offered isnt the reality..and they paid good dough for

lshe is a lying ..incompetent weasel..knows the price of everything....the value of fuck all..all too prevalent in the modern world

dicksie3 9:53 Thu Sep 27
Re: The London Stadium...
I bet any DRUID AND GOGGLEBOXER QUEENS in attendance last night still moaned despite the 8 (EIGHT) goal thrashing.

Pop Robson 9:49 Thu Sep 27
Re: The London Stadium...
Where's the affordable for Cat A games at least they had concession prices at the BG.

£80-£50 for man Utd, 10,000 empty seats again

I guess it's to make sure people buy ST as one is cheaper than 6 Cat A tickets !!

WorldCupWilly 5:49 Thu Sep 27
Re: The London Stadium...
Soldo - As you're bored, you catch watch a replay and post us a write-up of the London Assembly Budget & Performance Committee meeting this morning discussing the London Stadium.

- starts at 14:17

Northern Sold 4:34 Thu Sep 27
Re: The London Stadium...
To be honest Gavvy I'm bored fuckless at the mo... got shed loads on but I just wanna maim things...

Gavros 4:33 Thu Sep 27
Re: The London Stadium...
not got much work on Sdol0?

Northern Sold 4:23 Thu Sep 27
Re: The London Stadium...

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