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charleyfarley 11:47 Wed Sep 5
⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread

London Stadium
Sun 23rd Sept 13:30

Mike Dean (3) 10 2

Fabianski, Zabaleta, Balbuena, Diop, Masuaku, Obiang, Rice, Noble, Anderson, Yarmolenko, Antonio
Subs: Cresswell, Snodgrass, Adrian, Sanchez, Ogbonna, Fredericks, Lucas Perez

Kepa, Azpilicueta, Rudiger, Luiz, Alonso, Kante, Jorginho, Kovacic, Willian, Hazard, Giroud.
Subs: Fabregas, Barkley, Caballero, Moses, Zappacosta, Cahill, Morata

• West Ham 5/1 : Draw 100/30 : Chelsea 8/15

• Showers max 17C

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Fortunes Hiding 11:33 Sat Oct 6
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
This is out the racing post previewing tomorrows game.

“Back-to-back draws with West Ham and Liverpool have halted Chelsea's progress but they were utterly dominant at the London Stadium,”
Complete bollocks.
I thought WE were unlucky to win?

Trevor B 5:39 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Rain Man doesn't have emotions.

charleyfarley 5:38 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Yes fair do's if you enjoy spending your time analysing the game so be it, but the fact you rarely express any emotion when we get a good result says to me you miss out on a lot, a couple of periods on Sunday saw some great passing and movement I enjoyed watching it, you want to tell me how it happened and therefore miss the pleasure, but at the end of the day that's your choice

Rossal 5:38 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
"I do think 4-3-3 is a much better notation for them than it is for us"

Ok so you just disagreed with yourself they were playing 4-1-4-1 zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Trevor B 5:34 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Clearly Bill Shankly knew fuck all about football compared to our resident expect, Alex V. Although I'm sure he'll disagree with me just for the sake of it.

Far Cough 5:33 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
How to play football by Bill Shankly:

1. A football team is like a piano. You need eight men to carry it and three who can play the damn thing.

2. Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple.

3. The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they dont know the game.

4. If youve got three Scots in your side, youve got a chance of winning something. If youve got any more, youre in trouble.

5. If a player is not interfering with play or seeking to gain an advantage, then he should be.

6. At a football club, theres a holy trinity: the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors dont come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.

7. If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing.

8. Pressure is working down the pit. Pressure is having no work at all. Pressure is trying to escape relegation on 50 shillings a week. Pressure is not the European Cup or the Championship or the Cup Final. Thats the reward.

9. I want to build a team thats invincible, so that they have to send a team from bloody Mars to beat us.

10. This is to remind our lads who theyre playing for, and to remind the opposition who theyre playing against. (About the This is Anfield plaque.)

11. Bob [Paisley] and I never had any rows. We didnt have any time for that. We had to plan where we were going to keep all the cups we won.

12. A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are. In my time at Anfield we always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside, Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.

13. If you cant make decisions in life, youre a bloody menace. Youd be better becoming an MP!

13. For a player to be good enough to play for Liverpool, he must be prepared to run through a brick wall for me then come out fighting on the other side.

14. Yes Roger Hunt misses a few, but he gets in the right place to miss them.

15. Tommy Smith wasnt born, he was quarried.

16. Hes not just the best centre-forward in the British Isles, but the only one. (On Ian St. John.)

17. If youre not sure what to do with the ball, just pop it in the net and well discuss your options afterwards.

Shankly saved some of his best lines for poking fun at Liverpools Merseyside rivals, Everton, but the jokes belied a great respect for the citys other team.

18. When Ive nothing better to do, I look down the league table to see how Everton are getting along.

19. If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, Id pull the curtains.

20. Sickness would not have kept me away from this one. If Id been dead, I would have had them bring the casket to the ground, prop it up in the stands, and cut a hole in the lid. (After Liverpool beat Everton in the 1971 FA Cup semi-final)

21. Never mind Alan, at least youll be able to play next to a great team. (To Alan Ball, who had just signed for Everton)

22. The difference between Everton and the Queen Mary is that Everton carry more passengers!

23. Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool.

24. Of course I didnt take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present. It was her birthday. Would I have got married in the football season? Anyway, it was Rochdale reserves.

25. Forget the Beatles and all the rest. This is the real Liverpool sound. Its real singing, and its what the Kop is all about.

26. Although Im a Scot, Id be proud to be called a Scouser.

27. I was only in the game for the love of football and I wanted to bring back happiness to the people of Liverpool.

28. But thats where I live! (To a Brussels hotel clerk who said Shankly couldnt just put Anfield as his address.)

29. It was the most difficult thing in the world, when I went to tell the chairman. It was like walking to the electric chair. Thats the way it felt. (On resigning in 1974.)

Shankly is often quoted as saying:

30. Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.

Far Cough 5:31 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Bill Shankly said it's a simple game

and he's right

Trevor B 5:28 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
"I disagree"

Not exactly unexpected.

Alex V 5:25 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
charleyfarley 5:22 Wed Sep 26

I recommend analysing the game more closely, I get huge pleasure from trying to understand it. I disagree it's a simple game - it's very complex and hard to analyse.

charleyfarley 5:22 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Alex why don't you just enjoy the matches instead of taking some curious pleasure in stating things like "you noticed Anderson drifted from a central position, 000.3 cm out to the left in the second half" or some weird combination in our formation.

Football is a very simple game enjoy it and express it when we get a good result.


Northern Sold 4:59 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Footballing Formation GEEKS still in full effect so I see..??

Trevor B 4:15 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Trevor B 12:33 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Trevor B 12:26 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread

Alex V 3:19 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
>>> How on earth were Chelsea playing 4-1-4-1 ?

Jorginho is their DM. Hazard and Willian on either flank. Kante and Kovacic the CMs. I do think 4-3-3 is a much better notation for them than it is for us, because when they're dominating a game Hazard in particular has the freedom to come inside and join the attack pretty much whenever he wants. As it meant he didn't target Zabaleta's lack of pace I think that actually played into our hands on Sunday.

Rossal 2:53 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
How on earth were Chelsea playing 4-1-4-1 ?

Kaiser Zoso 2:49 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Well done V, that’s how I reckon it played out too.

To be serious for a second, I think the change in midfield is that Rice is shielding the back four in a central position. We’ve come unstuck against other teams playing that way for too long. I can remember Gareth Barry and N’Zonzi having great performances at Upton Park, and wondering why we don’t set up the same way.

The answer is having someone who can actually play in that role. Rice has stepped up, and looks very promising.

The reason you said packed the midfield is that at last, there is someone in that holding role denying the opposition the space in that area.

Side of Ham 1:45 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Alex do you remember large rainbow marbles being worth more and therefore took more goes to win off the opponent?

Alex V 1:38 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
Kaiser Zoso 1:18 Wed Sep 26

You're right, 'packing the midfield' is a bit of an outdated phrase. Having 3 in centre mid is so normal now it doesn't need a special phrase to describe it.

In terms of Chelsea, they were basically playing the same shape so the numbers were matched.

Kaiser Zoso 1:18 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
I’m still a bit confused about 'packing the midfield'

Is Alec suggesting we outnumbered Chelsea across the middle? If so, how did we cope in other areas of the pitch, where presumably Chelsea had more numbers?

Trevor B 1:14 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
There's nothing nastier that purposely spelling someone's name incorrectly, you absolute cunt of a human being!


Side of Ham 1:12 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
I'm sure a couple of episodes of 'The Undateables' will fill his void on here for me comma.

, 1:12 Wed Sep 26
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - The Official Match Thread
You’d just turn your nastiness guns on someone else if Alec stopped posting.

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