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E12Hammer 4:24 Wed Oct 17
Racism in TV Adverts
On holiday this summer we got to know another family quite well. Their kids were roughly the same age as ours and would spend the days together. The bloke has similar interests to me and we got on well as well.

Getting to know him he revealed he worked for an advertising company that produces adverts, both written and on television. One thing that he said, "have you realised yet that in nearly all adverts now, whenever a couple or family is portrayed, the man is nearly always black, and the woman is nearly always white?".

I have to say, firstly I'd not noticed, but having had that put into my mind, I can honestly say he's probably right. So Im wondering why this is?

Is this another subtle effort to indoctrinate people into accepting this new age of "inclusivity"?

Has "whitey" had his day?

Is this not inverted racism?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

WHU(Exeter) 9:20 Tue Oct 23
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Picture a front room packed with a dozen plus people to make it as all inclusive as it could possibly be, all glued to their online betting accas, studding pizza while one lucky sole possibly of Sri Lankan descent is on tenterhooks to see if Dunfermline can get that winner in the last few minutes. BIg fat white div makes fool of himself, Dunfermline get that winner and room erupts with YOU GUYS high fiving

It's like every living room up and down the country, cept there's never any Chinese in the ads, cos the Chinese of course never bet.

Mr Anon 5:06 Mon Oct 22
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Well that's disappointingly mainstream. I was hoping you would say The Beatles or something

retro 12:52 Mon Oct 22
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
hi Mr Anon

LBJ with the mob.


retro 12:45 Mon Oct 22
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Yes-Astral Traveller


it's Magrittes 'Son of man' ya know Applehead.

An apple is from the Rose family (Rosaceae)

Mr Anon 12:17 Mon Oct 22
Re: Racism in TV Adverts

love your work Retro, please visit more often!

ps who killed JFK!?! its been bugging me for years

zebthecat 12:12 Mon Oct 22
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
I suspect retro might be LSD-T in full acid flashback mode.
It is shroom season too.

Nurse Ratched 11:57 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
I like you. A lot.

retro 11:45 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
jeez Nurse seeing as you asked so nicely.

Trump is interesting.Hated by red rose and called a pig because he originated from Katherine Swynford.

Ah but pigs do fly

twoleftfeet 9:53 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Everlasting? Ban spell check.


twoleftfeet 9:52 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Dr Who was good tonight.

She saved Rosa Parks from everlasting white men.

Next week she saves Gandhi from the English scum.

the last eastender 2:35 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Oh dear.

*back away slowly

Nurse Ratched 2:34 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Feck knows. Astral planing nonsense, I think. But I'm curious about all that 'roses' business. At the end of it, it's probably THE JEWS. Again. These people should be more creative. THE JEWS have been done loads of times.

the last eastender 2:28 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Is he a conspiracy theorist?

Nurse Ratched 2:12 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts

Click on retro's profile and his his/her comments on the paranormal thread ;-)

A splendid nutter.

the last eastender 2:04 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts


Nurse Ratched 2:01 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts

So what are red rose, back rose, etc, euphemisms for?

I ain't buying your books, so tell us here.

retro 4:41 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
never read Dan Brown I write my own books.



Nurse Ratched 3:51 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Meh, still not as mental as Pickle.

Mart O 3:35 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Poor old retro's been reading a little too much Dan Brown methinks...

Jaan Kenbrovin 3:20 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
Hasans Fish Bar RIP 12:31 Sat Oct 20


retro 3:01 Sun Oct 21
Re: Racism in TV Adverts
the black Isis thing is the black rose wanting more share of the action.

Have you noticed the majority of the attacks are in Paris?.Paris is the capital of the red rose.The other countries were compelled to fly their red white and blue flags,from monuments in solidarity after the attacks.The blue representing Sirius.

There's been two Rosemarys baby made.One features Mia Farrow (reddish blonde) featuring New York.Another recently made featuring caramel skinned Zoe Saldana as Rosemary with the phallic Eiffel tower featured in the background.This shows you what the Eiffel actually represents.

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