WHO Poll

oioi 3:26 Wed Sep 18
Club London
Is anyone on here a Club London member? I'm taking a look at a deal for the rest of the season. What do you think? Worth it or a waste of money?At the moment I'm BMU. Good overall view but I might be tempted to shell out if the seat and lounge are a big improvement.

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oioi 6:02 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
That is what they told me when I went to have a look. People on here wouldn't have it.


oioi 2:34 Thu Sep 19
Re: Club London

"First question I asked was about reverting to general admission season ticket next year and was assured that it was not a problem. Not the same seat necessarily but would definitely be able to get a season ticket."

arsegrapes 3:58 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Huffers, pleased for you, it’s the least they could do tbf inconsideration of your big support. All the best!

Huffers 3:54 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
They have rang me and confirmed that they will let me leave and move to a standard seat. I think it helps that my seat will be in demand as it is probably considered one of the best (row behind the dugout, on the aisle).

To be fair, my previous account manager; Guy Hough has always been very good at listening and sorting any issues out. He has overseen this for me.

arsegrapes 3:51 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
my left foot 10:35 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
arsegrapes wrote;
"Don’t enjoy the experience, find it hard to believe anyone who stood on the terraces at UP can stomach it"
So you didn't like to go to UP since it was all seater 25 years ago?

Exactly, I went with the terraces, killed it for me. Only went to UP a handful of times when all seater. Decided to give the Athletics Bowl the benefit of doubt but even worse. I’ve watched Brazil at the Old Maracana with about 130,000 in there, atmosphere was nothing special. It’s Quality not Quantity that is required. The current owners will never deliver it unfortunately.

ornchurch ammer 12:27 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Perhaps Karren should send a few 'testers' in to the corporate areas to gauge the experience for themselves as no one seems to have a good word to say about it.

The stewards don't help. I know the club hide behind the fact that they don't control the stewards but they ruin every experience from queueing to get in to the Stop/Go boards and everything in between.

Huffers 11:05 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
I'm gutted. Used to get a hot chocolate and a water in the winter months.

If I did that now, they would no doubt send Elmor round.

Buster 11:01 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
When I came with you, first season I think, they just had shit loads of bottles on a table to help yourself.

That was the only thing that seemed to make it worthwhile for the money as the drinkers could get value offer a season.

Just one drink now? Fuck that.

Huffers 10:58 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Your wristband now has a tab on so you can exchange it for one drink.

It is obviously to stop people getting more than one drink but they justified it by saying that other people from other bars used to just stay in The Boleyn at half time as they couldn't be bothered to walk upstairs to their bar.

That is probably half-true, its hard enough to get into the first bar, without going out the exit, up the stairs, into another bar, get served then back down again in 15 minutes.

They only ever open one half of the double doors which creates an obvious bottle neck effect.

Buster 10:48 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Do you still get to help yourself to beers in corporate? That's the ONLY reason it would make sense for some.

Renewed our seats but only been to three home games this season. When they finally destroy the fanbase completely by fucking about with priority points, which I have no doubt will happen in the next 18 months, then that'll be it.

my left foot 10:35 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
arsegrapes wrote;
"Don’t enjoy the experience, find it hard to believe anyone who stood on the terraces at UP can stomach it"
So you didn't like to go to UP since it was all seater 25 years ago? Personally I hated all seater at UP like most people, killed the atmosphere quite a bit and cost so much more.

my left foot 10:35 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
arsegrapes wrote;
"Don’t enjoy the experience, find it hard to believe anyone who stood on the terraces at UP can stomach it"
So you didn't like to go to UP since it was all seater 25 years ago? Personally I hated all seater at UP like most people, killed the atmosphere quite a bit and cost so much more.

frank marker 3:00 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Had a season ticket for seven years (small beer compared to some I know). Never been to the London Stadium. If someone can genuinely recommend it i might give it a try. Yet to hear anyone say it's better than UP.

arsegrapes 1:36 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Would not consider paying anything above about a score to watch the shower of shite at the cesspit, but fair play to anyone who does, that’s their prerogative. Was on the list for about three years, they offered me a ticket in cat 5 works out at about £15 per game, but turned it down. Still go occasionally to meet up with family on one of my sons ticket who doesn’t go and will not renew, so that will be the end of it.

Don’t enjoy the experience, find it hard to believe anyone who stood on the terraces at UP can stomach it. The younger fans I can understand because what you don’t know won’t hurt you.

Pop Robson 12:54 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
The club fucked up the "migration" all the plus 2s etc

I did the 1st season at the bowl hole and packed it in, returned after 2.5yrs for the Sheff Utd game

Still shit and 20 mins to get though security, my hate for the place has stayed the same.

Could have had free tickets for Newcastle but said no thanks, streamed the game and that good as I'd stayed to the end

charleyfarley 12:18 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Have been in Club London about half a dozen times, went back to the lounge once via a different route, surrounded by four stewards who looked at me like I had just robbed the place. Huffers is right it's total overkill, they don't seem to have any commonsense or proportion. They have no manners or any social skills and as Huffers says they treat you like a terrorist

ChesterRd 12:10 Tue Nov 5
Re: Club London
Huffers, consider the 1966 seats in the Billy Bonds stand. I'm block 136 and view is fine, get a padded seat and "free programme" not corporate but above band 1 ST. Think it is £1200. No concessions though. Also get invited to a meet the manager evening (whoopee)

WHUDeano 10:13 Mon Nov 4
Re: Club London
Try and ignore them mate. You and the other lads are doing a fantastic job in protecting the experiences of the next generation. In a different world I'd be standing next to lads like you, but I didn't realise what Upton Park really meant to me & I'm certain my old man feels the same - in my lifetime personally (born in 82) we've always been shit but it didn't matter. It was a rite of passage, then it was a way of life - had some of the best days of my life following West Ham. Now it's a shit day out at an athletics bowl pretty much in the middle of nowhere (in London terms), and we're still pretty shit in Premier League terms. These owners have taken something that can never be returned, full respect to you for fighting to keep hold of what's left of our once great fanbase.

chav_corner 9:43 Mon Nov 4
Re: Club London
Fair enough Deano.I respect your stance and who knows when the day comes perhaps you will join us.-What hurts is the keyboard warriors who attack us at every opportunity.-That is hard to take.

WHUDeano 9:15 Mon Nov 4
Re: Club London
It's tough to believe lads, the two proper old school lads galvanised the fans & bridged the gap really did some damage when they sacked it off and never revealed where the money went either. I know who they are and what they once stood for, but there actions (whether justified or not) pretty much shoved the stake through the heart. Trust / care really has almost gone now for me, we've moved, we let it happen & for now it's pretty much finished for me, I won't be marching - we should have been doing that 6 years ago. Maybe when my kids are older I'll get the energy levels back, but other than the odd away game for the day out with good lads and a few beers, I find myself caring less and less about the actual football club.

chav_corner 9:02 Mon Nov 4
Re: Club London
WHU Deano.Hammers United are trying.And each week we grow by 90 on average.The hardest thing to take is the apathy,and even hostility from the very people that share our views.Why can't 20000 just join up and we march together to reclaim our club.Just don't get it mate.

Lily Hammer 8:51 Mon Nov 4
Re: Club London

WHUDeano 8:12 Mon Nov 4

Neither Hammers United, nor any other group can get things back to how they were, but we can try our best to get things back as close to how a family club should and can be in this day and age.

Just about anyone, pro or anti move, can agree that the sad stories you're reading on this thread need to be addressed, and fans listened to.

It's hard to win the league, and nobody expects that, but it's not hard to set up shop in a way that makes fans feel welcome and at home, and make them feel included, as the essential ingredient they are. We should all expect that much at least, paying so much hard earned money and time.

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