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Tomshardware 7:48 Mon Jan 13
Been through bad time lately with suffering with this. Dark thoughts as well. I know some posters on here suffer with this. Anyone come through the other side of this shit?

A number of posters have been yellow carded and told to stay off this thread unless they have anything constructive to add.This is a thread that has been very useful to so many, for any other posters with scores to settle, argue on another thread.
This thread is sacrosant.Thank you

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

charleyfarley 12:16 Tue Jul 23
Re: Anxiety/depression
all the best side and good luck mate

side effect 3:04 Mon Jul 22
Re: Anxiety/depression
Thanks Mike

I will update as I've got the buprenorphine patch after that.

Mike Oxsaw 2:28 Mon Jul 22
Re: Anxiety/depression
side effect 2:06 Mon Jul 22

I can really only hope for the best for you. Good luck.

side effect 2:06 Mon Jul 22
Re: Anxiety/depression
I've just stopped Amitriptyline after 20 years. On day 5 now. Wonder what's in store.
I also quit pregabalin after 10 years 17 months ago.
At age 61.

WHU(Exeter) 2:57 Thu Jul 4
Re: Anxiety/depression
and the other thing was the '20 second cold shower' a day thing. I don't know whether it's a placebo, but I've found it makes you a lot more alert and rational, not just straight after, but for the rest of the day and life in general.

WHU(Exeter) 2:54 Thu Jul 4
Re: Anxiety/depression
I've had things go on over the years to have some understanding of a few things that have been mentioned on this thread, so hope that these couple of suggestions don't come across as trivial.

I would recommend gardening as a brilliant way to take your mind off things. Above all and without realising it, I think it instills patience into a person, the results are hardly ever instantaneous, you just have to chip away and even just one of the dozen things you've planted flowers or grows fruit, then it'll have been worth it. You end up taking that approach to everything else.

it does something to you and ingrains other ways of thinking into you, that modern life doesn't.

There was graffiti near my place reading "gardening is the most revolutionary thing you can do"....I used to think 'what a load of hippy, dippy shit'....years on, I can kind of see there's some truth to it.

I think most cities will have places where if you do have mental health issues and don't have access to a garden, they'll have schemes going to get you involved somewhere,

chim chim cha boo 3:46 Wed Jul 3
Re: Anxiety/depression
Hey Peckham, pick yourself up and go again. What is that saying in the Army? 'Victories are not won buy huge pushes and bold advantages-they are won by creeping forward an inch at a time holding your ground for dear life then tomorrow going again.

You're a tough fucker I'd spend an entire war shoulder to shoulder with gratefully. You've seen more shit than most of us put together and you've been in worse conditions than this.

Are you going to let the fucking rent boys be behind your demise? Not on our watch mate. Please keep reaching out. WHO did a bit towards getting you home from Spain to make your peace with mum and I am sure most of us have been roaring you on.

I know you probably don't feel like it at the moment but you've been inspirational. We need characters like you who REFUSE to be beaten down by the nastiest government of our lives. With a fair wing they'll be out on their arses come Friday. Your mindset will improve mate- you've just got to hang on.

You're more loved than you think you are and we're all rooting for you, I promise. Good luck mate x

Westham67 1:25 Mon Jul 1
Re: Anxiety/depression
Peckham 9:13 Fri Jun 14

What council are you under the care of ?

Moncurs Putting Iron 1:33 Fri Jun 21
Re: Anxiety/depression

Pentonville has not abandoned you, he has his own problems right now and needs to focus on himself for a bit.

Just get through the trial, they are still offering you the bounty despite the eviction. Keep that focus, please don't leave us feeling we have failed you, like I feel about Gavros. :-(

Peckham 9:13 Fri Jun 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
Gutted beyond words, my landlord Stoll mansions and Chelsea FC have ordered an eviction and injunction on me after some manic episodes and being bullied, sticking up for myself and now facing being homeless. Stopped the cocaine thanks to an amazing key worker at Shepherds Bush TURNING POINT drugs and alcohol well being ( highly recommended ) but still self harming and only wishing to join my Mother ( die hard hammer - literally ) in heaven.

Had Pentonville for support, but as per my form think was too much for him. been through so many next of kins whilst hospitalised. Problem is everyone has own battles. Nothing beats unconditional love of Mothers.

If you have your Mum still alive , ring her weekly or daily. Once they have gone you may regret not being so much in contact.

Left home 16 , only requainted with Mum and back in country after years abroad, only bonded with my Mother whilst she was dying in covid.

Being homeless does not scare me. How to commit suicide is a concern and trying not to kill this bully where I live and via arson destroy my landlords office and prevent Chelsea stamford bridge expansion. Blue cunts.

I am not angry, just self harming to stop harming others.

All the alcoholics and Chelsea cunts where I live trying to bully me but Police have seized all knives ( seriously ).
Miss Pentonvilles support but have mental health team drop meds twice a day.
Have a barrister for court on Thursday, a homeless charity for veterans evicting a veteran for not wanting a 100 year old veterans complex from being destroyed by Chelsea.

Peckham 8:19 Fri May 31
Re: Anxiety/depression
Under London’s gray and storied sky,
Where the River Thames flows quietly by,
There lies a club with iron and grit,
West Ham United, in hearts they sit.

From Boleyn Ground to the London Stadium,
Echoes of chants create a grand coliseum,
Claret and blue, colors so true,
Forged in the hearts of the faithful crew.

Bobby Moore's legacy, a captain’s pride,
A heritage that won't subside,
From the terraces, songs fill the air,
With passion and loyalty beyond compare.

The Irons' spirit, never to bend,
In victories and defeats, they transcend,
For in the heart of East London's frame,
West Ham United stands, proud in name.

Through the ups and downs, they rally and fight,
Under floodlit nights and daylight bright,
With dreams of glory, and tales untold,
West Ham United, forever bold. COYI

Jasnik 8:29 Tue May 21
Re: Anxiety/depression
Moncurs Putting Iron 11:58 Tue May 21

Just went through something similar. Just getting my head back on track.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:58 Tue May 21
Re: Anxiety/depression
Quick update and word of thanks.
I posted recently about job shakes ups and long term redundancy with several date changes and how it was getting me down.

Well I am staying put, wiser and more open to change if it happens again and with a plan of my own.

Thanks all for your sage advice and just listening.

Onwards and upwards and ready to pay my good fortune forward.

charleyfarley 2:24 Sat May 18
Re: Anxiety/depression
Thanks Pents

Pentonville 12:23 Sat May 18
Re: Anxiety/depression
Last I heard he was focusing on avoiding Old school mates, focusing on work and family and good.

charleyfarley 10:25 Thu May 16
Re: Anxiety/depression
Haven’t heard from Block for ages
Has anybody checked to see if he is ok?
Would appreciate it if somebody could find out

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:43 Wed May 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
Peckham 10:55 Wed May 15

Being alive is a superb place to start my friend, very grateful and relieved to hear from you.

New Jersey 1:38 Wed May 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
Pentonville!Peckham - Guys I really hope you're finding a way through your troubles. Sincere best wishes!

PS - Pents on your recommendation I'm lumping on Usyk, haha! I really like the boxing threads as there some knowledgeable people on there and it doesn't (usually) get out of hand!

Pentonville 11:07 Wed May 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
I've whatsappd u

Peckham 10:55 Wed May 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
Too scared to sleep. But alive

Pentonville 10:39 Wed May 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
Love ya bud, glad ur back !

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