WHO Poll

Tomsdad 5:58 Fri Jan 24
WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Could one of the mods put a link to the WHO Fund on the links page please.

Donations to the fund can be made here-->:WHO Fundraiser

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

eastend joker 8:54 Tue Jul 9
Re: WHO Fund - Update 3rd July
The reef for Bonzo was very much appreciated , he truly was one of our best .

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:02 Thu Jul 4
Re: WHO Fund - Update 3rd July

Thanks for these words, Charley and I do, occasionally, fret over decisions we make together, we are acutely aware it is other peoples money, and what on and how we use the money for has evolved and become more complex and not always easily explained without giving away some confidences that are involved. This weighs heavy when we over think it,

I have recently reached out ot a few WHOers to discuss this in the round and the sage advice included when people give money to charities do they expect to know how their money was spent?

The manager (And Excel freak) in me wants to be forensic but I know deep down that we are trusted and the effort we put in appreciated.

It's always nice when the benefit, feel good factor and pride of the use is clear cut, immediate and apparent but it doesn't always work out that way.

chim chim cha boo 6:46 Thu Jul 4
Re: WHO Fund - Update 3rd July
You know there's no real need to be held by account to us Moncs as you're as honest as the day is long. I doubt anyone on here could even imagine anything that you do you do with complete wholehearted empathy.

If anyone was to take the piss and take advantage of you (and by extention us) the shame would be poured on them, not you, Charlie or whoever else you involved in the decision making.

Never underestimate the highest regard we hold you in. The WHO fund is one of the best things this site ever did and I am very grateful that you choose to be the custodian, as do most people. It can't be easy dealing with Hammers on the bones of their arses.

I don't think I could do it, making judgement calls about the extremely broad church that populate this site but I am glad that people like you and Charlie step up to the plate. I'm sure most of us feel the same x

Tomsdad 1:04 Thu Jul 4
Re: WHO Fund - Update 3rd July
Appreciated MPI.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:47 Wed Jul 3
Re: WHO Fund - Update 3rd July
Evening Whoers overdue update on the fund, with some recent movent so lets give the figures 1st

Balance at Last Update: £2,166.60

16/03/2024 WHO Loan Repayment £300.00
23/05/2024 CREDIT GO FUND ME £ 28.88

17/04/2024 WHO Gesture £56.46 (Donation to PDs brother)
15/05/2024 WHO Gesture £235.00
27/05/2024 WHO Gesture £200.00
01/06/2024 WHO Loan £700.00
20/06/2024 WHO Gesture £200.00
02/07/2024 WHO Gesture £206.50 (WHO Wreaths)

Current Balance: £897.52

The WHO loan is self explanatory and is backed off with a plan agreed with Charley and I.

The other gestures could become a long story, but I will summarise i that as much time and heart went into these as money, the personal stories are ongoing and I hope one day the individuals affected can tell you the good news stories themselves, firsthand.

Thank you for being interested, look after each other

Mike Oxsaw 11:08 Fri May 17
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
OK. I've gone for a predictable Arsenal, Liverpool, Newcastle & Spurs acca. Not a millionaire maker, but am sure the fund will appreciate the tiny boost.

Mex Martillo 10:24 Fri May 17
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Doh, I see it's 4 games.
Try adding
Brentford 1-2 Newcastle

Mex Martillo 10:21 Fri May 17
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
It is a nice idea. Mike what would you go for? I think the most predictable results will be wins for Arsenal, Chelwand Liverpool. Actual resris whole lot more tricky, but here goes.
Arsenal 3-0 Everton
Chelsea 2-0 Bournemouth
Liverpool 2-1 Wolves

Here's the fixtures for all the others thinking about doing this.

Sunday 19th May
Arsenal 16:00 Everton
Brentford 16:00 Newcastle United
Brighton and Hove Albion 16:00 Manchester United
Burnley 16:00 Nottingham Forest
Chelsea 16:00 Bournemouth
Crystal Palace 16:00 Aston Villa
Liverpool 16:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
Luton Town 16:00 Fulham
Manchester City 16:00 West Ham United
Sheffield United 16:00 Tottenham Hotspur

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:30 Wed May 15
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
How very effing DARE you!

*Kisses poster of Arfur Fowler*

There is some movement in the fund at the moment, I log that, verify balance with Charley and publish by the end of the month.

Mr Kenzo 4:17 Wed May 15
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
I assumed, like most of us on here, you had fucked off with all the money Putting ?


Moncurs Putting Iron 3:21 Tue May 14
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Sorry Mike,

Had some work challenges that have seriously curtailed my time on WHO.

I thought this was a nice idea but I am sworn off gambling and so I am not your man for tips here.

One thing a mate does is 'both teams to score' if not you chose the acca and we can monitor on the day

Mike Oxsaw 11:12 Sat May 4
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
OK - so how about a bit of last-game-of-the-season fun?

I do a 4 match acca every week and it has cost me 30 quid over the whole season, so a bookmaker I'll never be. But maybe a 4 match acca in support of the Gavvy fund will nicely round off our disappointing season.

I'll stump up the stake so am not asking for anybody to reach into their sky, simply to offer up a prediction of the result of 4 games on the final day.

I'll go with the most popular choice of 4 games (or simply mine if nobody else gives a fuck) and place the bet the day before the games.

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:58 Tue Jan 23
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover

Phew that's a relief. You will be pleased to know I did not spend the proceeds on shoes, handbags and coke nor did I panic and invoke the contingency plan. :-)

Mex Martillo 3:47 Mon Dec 4
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Yes thanks Moncur, really appreciate d.

charleyfarley 8:52 Wed Nov 29
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Thanks Darren for the update, the fund is in good shape

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:23 Wed Nov 29
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Good Afternoon All,

Slightly overdue detail on the fund:

Balance Transferred in at handover on 11th September: £1699.92

3 x Direct Donations
2 x Auto Transfers from Go Fund me
1x Interest added to Account
1x WHO loan repayment
Total: £480.16

WHO Gesture (Large West Ham card for Cane)
Total: £13.48

Current WHO Fund Balance: £2,166.60

All verified with Pete.

Kind regards, its an honour.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:41 Tue Nov 7
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Morning all,

I owe you a report on the fund, will complete at the weekend and publish detail but as of today it currently sits at £2118.30

Moncurs Putting Iron 3:32 Mon Sep 25
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover

Yeah the game was a satisfying workmanlike performance, whereas the drinks beforehand was excellent from start to finish.

Pleasure to finally meet you and great to see your brother out and and having a little bit of pleasure, given what you have both endured recently.

chim chim cha boo 3:06 Fri Sep 22
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover

Lovely to meet you for the first time tonight. You always come across on here as a class act and it was brilliant that you even exceeded my expectations. You made a great impression on my brother who we know has his demons and he asked especially for me to thank you for the open and kind words.

Weird really to know and converse with someone for literally years, meet up and feel like they are an old and much loved pal.

In retrospect we should have fucked the game off and stayed in the boozer! That's West Ham for you, a lovely day out marred by 90 minutes of football!

Let's do it again soon, and maybe bring that other great stalwart of WHO, CharlieF.

People like the pair of you are the glue that hold this teetering shithole together and long may it continue.

Moncurs Putting Iron 10:35 Tue Sep 12
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Mike, On the contrary, the words are perfect and encapsulates why we are happy and proud to administer it for you all.

We have kept up the GO fund me as it provides effective Escrow and Pete is worried about me having to publish all my details but if anyone does want all their donation going to the fund if they WHO Mail me I will mail back the details.

The fund lives on, Thanks Gav for showing us the way,

Mike Oxsaw 10:51 Mon Sep 11
Re: WHO Fund - 2023 Update and changeover
Can I add my thanks and appreciation here?

For me, donating is such an easy and painless task - couple of mouse clicks and it's done, but to see the benefit our combined charity brings to those in need reminds me so much of the time when I was growing up and the attitude that was prevalent then, for my childhood at least, that you look after your own and, where you can, you help those in need, whoever they are.

Sometimes (my) English fails me and there are no words that quite fit the bill, apart from the fact, maybe, that, off the pitch, what this fund does best describes "The West Ham way" we all (I) grew up with.

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