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Turpinator 5:01 Thu Feb 27
Silly Stories that cheer you up
With so much doom and gloom around I'll start it off with this one.


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Troy McClure 6:18 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
I once pulled a dusty old jigsaw puzzle off my brothers wardrobe, wrapped it up and stuck under the Christmas tree for him

Christmas morning comes and he’s there shaking it and moaning to me that he’s too old for fucking puzzles

Then he ripped it open, looked up at me and said I’ve already got this one!

Maybe you had to be there ...but I was crying with laughter for about an hour

ironsofcanada 5:44 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Stop the presses. Branded likes made-up stories.

BRANDED 5:39 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Gank’s was better. It had layers.

ironsofcanada 5:35 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
When I was really young my dad used to read me the Asterix books verbatim.

My mom told him to change it up a bit when she got a call from the school about her normally polite darling boy talking about orgies like they were just big parties with lots of food and drink.

riosleftsock 5:29 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Mex - ag ag

"My beloved cunt"

Mex Martillo 5:25 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
My funniest autocorrection error was, a colleague complained by email that someone working with me had not done what was needed for the project. I replied, That I would see if I could get them to do the work by applying some genital pressure.

It was meant to be gentle pressure, but came out much better with the autocorrection.

Gank is a weird fucker, but he is funny.

Turpinator 4:53 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Here's the rogue chickens.


JonWHUFC 4:53 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Gank's one just made me burst out laughing in my very quiet office

ironsofcanada 4:41 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up

That made me chuckle.

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:36 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
In my family it's treated the same as 'The fishing trip'

riosleftsock 4:35 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up

He was a gentle giant.

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:34 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
riosleftsock 1:51 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up

..With ganks dad.

greenie1 4:31 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Joel Douglas, son of the actor Kirk, was performing at the Comedy Store and getting increasingly frustrated by the audience reaction. He started shouting: "Do you know who I am?, I'm Kirk Douglas's son!" At which point someone in the crowd stood up and said: "No, I'm Kirk Douglas's son." Then someone else stood up, and claimed they were Kirk Douglas's son, and so on.

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:41 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
lowermarshhammer 11:37 Thu Feb 27
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up

..meanwhile that same year, my younger brother threw up on the Wurlitzer at Mannings.

Cheese roll and wotsits if you are asking. Absolute Stench.

centrifugal force is not the friend of the passengers in the same car as me and my mate were. (Only saving grace, I was wearing a cagoul.

Later we caught the eye of some girls on the front who went from flirty looks as we approached to abject disgust as soon as we got in smelling distance.

My brother was the opposite of a fanny magnet for me in my formative years.

Far Cough 2:11 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
My mate got nicked by OB, when asked his name, he said Joseph Gottlieb, (anyone who's ever played pinball machines, regularly, will know the significance of this name), then he was asked where do you live, mate said Golders Green, ok said OB, what road, after a brief pause, my mate said Golders Green road, your nicked says OB

Much mirth at the pub next day

riosleftsock 1:51 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
gank 1:49 Fri Feb 28

We've all done it.

gank 1:49 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
My father and I were masturbating in the woods together and we were caught by old bill. I expect some busybody grassed us up as there were loads of kids around.

The really funny part of this story is that dad got nicked and I didn't as I was underage!

Sniper 1:24 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Heard a story on the radio the other morning saying that there’s a gang of wild chickens terrorising jersey, and there’s no foxes on the island to sort them out!

Darlo Debs 12:00 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
Joe C..never ...its my work.phone.

Jonah Lomas 12:32 Fri Feb 28
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
I was walking down King St in Green Park one day to get my lunch and a tradie was trying to get the wheel clamp off his car with an angle grinder.

I noticed a bloke on the other side of the road watching with interest as he started to cross over the road and he walked smack bang into a lamp post.

You could hear the clang over the top of the angle grinder.

The whole street burst out laughing.

Poor bloke completely ruined his PINK shirt with the blood from his nose.

lowermarshhammer 11:37 Thu Feb 27
Re: Silly Stories that cheer you up
My kid brother rode the Clacton Pier Whirlwind in 1982 and then promptly chundered.

My Dad proceeded to then use his (thankfully shoe cladded) feet to push the aforementioned vom into the sea making wise use of the gaps between the planks to do so.

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