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Son of Sam 8:04 Tue Mar 17
Happy St Patricks Day
Hope you WHOers have the best St Paddys day possible


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

daveyg 5:04 Fri Mar 18
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
I bet Declan stayed at home a d only had a cuppa

GreenStreetPlayer 3:42 Fri Mar 18
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Best day of the week to have it on as well on a Tursday.

arsene york-hunt 3:03 Fri Mar 18
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Big celebrations of saint's day are for small insignificant countries. In the words of the great Flanders and Swann: "We don't need a big celebration to say how great we are, everybody knows that."


joe royal 5:31 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
“ the fucking idiots in London who aren't even Irish”

That’s about 99% of them.

I asked that proud Irishman The Edge if he supported West Ham as he was born in the same hospital as Bobby Moore.

Northern Sold 4:27 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Happy Micks Day to all our Gaelic brothers and Sisters....


goose 4:19 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day


classic Partridge.

Hello Mrs. Jones 4:14 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
I will take all precautions not to be wearing anything that could remotely be classified as the colour green.

collyrob 3:00 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Cheers PB son, have the rebels playing in the house all morning😂

Off to the pub shortly for Cheltenham, and more importantly the hammers.


Pub Bigot 2:53 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Molly will definitely enjoy today. The full IRA playlist down his local tonight.

Come out ye Black and Tans, Go on home British solders, Boys of the old Brigade and his favourite, The Celtic Symphony.

Enjoy Colly old boy; I'll drink a pint of Guiness for you tonight, mate.

chim chim cha boo 2:24 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Congratulations TMTY. I dreaded being a grandad but my daughter thoughtfully waited until she was 35 to have the love of my life, little Marjorie.

Now she's realised that one isn't enough and is expecting her second in the autumn and I couldn't be happier.

Now in a few years we can race them!

I did one of those ancestry things a while ago and fuck me, my family got around a bit. Scandinavia, Scottish, French hugenot and of course Irish.

So happy At Pat's to you all. Well when I say 'all' I don't mean the fucking idiots in London who aren't even Irish and only go drinking tonight, Christmas Eve and New year's Eve and act like utter cunts. They need a good kick in the head.

Enjoy the day Irish Hammer and Colly particularly and everyone else on here that's part of this fabulously mongrel nation. And your nation too.

Mr. Burns 2:19 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Two days at Cheltenham surrounded by these things was enough for me.

Pub Bigot 2:17 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
The Carpenters would be a full on rebel fest if not for West Ham tonight. Horrible shithole and home to Rent Bhoys when we're not at home.

I don't begrudge the Irish their day, enjoy boys. I do begrudge English people wearing Guinness hats and talking like fucking Leprechauns though. Cunts.

gph 2:17 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Born on St Patrick's Day?


I was born on International Post Day. And I am exactly as old as Burgas Airport in Bulgaria. To the day, anyway.

Westside 2:12 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
A fiddley, fiddley, fiddely, dooo,
A fiddley, fiddley, fiddely, dooo,
A doopey, doopey, doopey, dooo
A fiddley, fiddley, fiddely, doooooo

As sung by Catholic priests, whilst abusing choir boys.

Irish Hammer 2:05 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day

Hi all, bank holiday here today and tomorrow so nice break off until Monday.

Have a good day chaps. personally I don't pay any attention to the hitting the boozer all day and the Floppy Guinness hat side of things. but its a great day for young kids with the excitement of the parades for them.

Slan !

pdcwhu 1:37 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Happy Paddy's Day 🇮🇪
To be still in the Game tonight with 10 mins to go would be great.

collyrob 1:18 Thu Mar 17
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Have a good one gents 🇮🇪

Manuel 1:34 Thu Mar 18
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
I just about got to the end of that without dropping off. Let's be honest son, you have your own issues too don't you.

And tbf agree that bumping this thread is okay, but he has a history of bumping threads which is obviously why I brought it up. And as you can see the mick can fight his own battles, so no need to be a hypocrite and come on here cunting me off on something that doesn't concern YOU.

Now talking off hats, put your bob the builder' hat back on, put away today's Sun, pull your jeans up over your arse crack and get grafting!

jfk 1:25 Thu Mar 18
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
Collyrobs obviously a mick and there’s probably a fair few on here that have Irish connections.I wouldn’t really count this as bumping a thread ,it’s an occasion that’s not going to go away.
It’s not unusual for you to just ignore a thread that doesn’t concern you.
You take great pleasure in cunting all and sundry off on here only for a reaction,as you have fuck all else to do with your sad sorry existence that’s never gonna change.
•puts on tin hat ready for a full and proper cunting from a skint odd div from a ramshackle shed in Pattaya.

collyrob 12:12 Thu Mar 18
Re: Happy St Patricks Day

I'm right though. Noncing kids in Asia, fucking oddball. Maybe it turns you on, but it's fucking odd.

Manuel 12:00 Thu Mar 18
Re: Happy St Patricks Day
I'm right though. Bumping old threads, fucking oddball. Maybe it turns you on, but it's fucking odd.

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