WHO Poll

duffster 3:45 Tue May 19
Any more bikers on here? I'm about to pick up a kawasaki versys 650.
Smooshed my Deauville last month. What you got?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Queens Fish Bar 3:15 Thu May 21
Re: Motorbiking
Gentile 12:24 Thu May 21

Your comment about mums on the school run is spot on imho.

Anyone using a handheld phone whilst driving is a cunt.

zebthecat 1:17 Thu May 21
Re: Motorbiking
I actually quite enjoy riding pillion.
At least there is someone who knows what they're doing in control.
I do have one top tip though. Never wear a jacket that has a hood when you a riding pillion with a friend who is demonstrating the blistering acceleration of his new bike - that is scary.

Gentile 12:24 Thu May 21
Re: Motorbiking
The stress levels have definitely increased as technology has become mainstream through mobiles.

Over the last few years using my Bike for work I'd often see cars ahead of me whilst I was filtering start drifting into the middle. I'd rev the engine and most would realise and move back but the ones that didn't I found myself pulling up to them, stopping and literally bashing the fuck out of their drive window like a lunatic. Most would throw their handset across the car in almost denial of what they were doing. Most people absolutely shit their load when someone with a blackout out visor in motorcycle gear starts pounding on their window. The ones that don't certainly do when you dismount the bike (I'd probably be beaten to a pulp if it came to it to be fair...). Noting angers me more than people on their mobiles commuting. Nothing.

The biggest cunts were Mums in oversized Cars.

Cheezey Bell-End 12:25 Thu May 21
Re: Motorbiking
The only times I've been pillion, I enjoyed it. I was terrified when I got on, but as soon as it pulled away and I could feel how powerful and stable it was, I was ok.

Dan M 9:55 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
I gave it up when I moved to Epping twelve years ago. South Woodford to the City was an easy journey that, on a good day, I could do on twenty minutes. But add in the length of the New Road on rainy nights plus a new role in the West End and that we'd just had a kid and it became something that didn't float my body any more. As it happened I was made redundant shortly after I packed in riding then subsequently started my own business and didn't have to commute anymore.

chim chim cha boo 8:30 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
duffster 8:05 Wed May 20


duffster 8:05 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Lowermarshammer. Beautifully put.

joe royal 7:54 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Dan M 6:17 Wed May 20

When I bust my leg they took me to the Whittington.

“Luckily” the accident was very close to Highbury when arse was at home so first aid was pretty instant

lowermarshhammer 6:40 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
First had a 50cc scrambler at the age of.6.

Last machine was a Yamaha X Max 400, that was great on a lengthy commute.

Gave it all up in my mid 40's, on reflection I put it down to having to go along the North Circular from the M11 to Park Royal and back 5 days a week for a year or so.

There's only so many days when you have 2 or 3 near death experiences before it all starts to wear a bit thin. Getting on it and leaving the house and wondering if this was the day when my luck was going to run out...well that's time to pack it in in my book when that feeling is an everyday occurrence. Not ashamed at all to admit that by 46 I had totally lost my bottle for it.

By far and away the greatest danger now is mobile phones, a drunken car driver actually looks at the road ahead, they are far less dangerous than some prick checking Facetwat.

Toe Rag 6:33 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Always thought it looks fun and that I’d love to give it a go.

And then I always seem to come back to this video of the bloke filming his own death on the A47


Hugh Jampton 6:32 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Dan M 6:17 Wed May 20

I used to go pillion occasionally when I was between bikes years ago, and always hated it. One time a mate talked me into going for a blast on his bike and preceded to do a ton up the A23. Trouble was I had a borrowed lid on and the only thing stopping it flying off was the strap under my chin. The result was not being able to breathe. God know how I didn't black out.

lowermarshhammer 6:26 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Duffster 1.51

"The man hunched over his motorcycle can focus only on the present instant of his flight; he is caught in a fragment of time cut off from both the past and the future; he is wrenched from the continuity of time; he is outside of time; in other words, he is in a state of ecstasy; in that state he is unaware of his age, his wife, his children, his worries, and so he has no fear, because the source of fear is the future, and a person freed of the future has nothing to fear." - Milan Kundera

ray winstone 6:25 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
I had a 125 moped when I lived in Greece, shit off a shovel but have never owned or ridden a bike in the UK, I've seen far too many incidents that have put me off for life.

Dan M 6:17 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Being pillion is horrible, even if you're used to riding a bike.

I used to commute every day on a maxi scooter which did the job for me (500cc lump, up to 120mph, very good for London traffic). Never ever felt scared on it as you can imagine (apart from that day I went over the bonnet of a VW Polo and ended up at the Whittington) but on one trip home the engine died on the A12 just before the turn off for Whipps Cross. A bloke on a Yahama sporty something or other pulled over and offered me a lift home. Legally I should have stayed with the bike but this was a stupidly dangerous place to be a pedestrian so took him up on the offer. Only thing was that his bike had no pillion attachments whatsoever. No footholds, no handholds and a tiny stub of saddle to park my ample arse upon. The short trip from there to South Woodford, clinging onto fuck knows what (obviously not the rider as I am not an homosexual gentleman) and trying to suppress screams still haunts me to this day.

joe royal 5:51 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Was talking to a traffic cop on holiday (he had been on some Thames valley police cameras action type programme)

A few of his policemen friends had some pretty good machines , M3/5’s EVO ‘s etc.

They planned an “M5” route one Sunday morning on the Yorkshire moors, local plod turned a blind eye to it.

Cheezey Bell-End 5:35 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
My policeman friend bought a new Ninja 900 some time ago. Took it on the motorway and was impressed how nippy it was. Looked down.. 160mph. Could have been career over.

Bungo 4:45 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Hugh Jampton 4:28 Wed May 20

Those guys are madder than Finnish rally drivers!

Hugh Jampton 4:28 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
joe royal 3:47 Wed May 20

Watch the on board videos at the TT - mental! Especially where they are going through trees on a sunny day - the light! I'm guessing they have better visors/shades than me as I can't see much doing the same thing at a lot less speed.

joe royal 4:18 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Was on a slab sided GSXR 750 and wanted to max it , hit 145 and it made the most horrendous noise , thought that was it - game over.

Turned out I was in 5th gear and had hit the Rev limiter.

Mate has an R reg ZZR 1100 for sale , only wants £1300 for it.

Gentile 4:03 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Oddly things go rather silent at plus 125mph

joe royal 3:47 Wed May 20
Re: Motorbiking
Personally I don’t think you can see far enough ahead at speeds in excess of 130 mph.

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