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Gentleman Jim 8:45 Mon Sep 14
Owner tells radio station.....
Speaking on his TalkSport radio show earlier today Jim said “Just as we came on air, I got a call from one of the owners.” “They do not like the fact that, in their eyes, they’re being hung out to dry.”

Funny that. You’d expect the owners to be the last stop for anything that goes wrong with club. I was always told blame goes up......

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Gentleman Jim 2:38 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Cant help but start to think - its all part of the plan, being "forced out"

The wheels are turning, the negotiations have started. All the little bits of disinformation being released into the news - from the under appreciated owners to the "we're not selling" rubbish.

Starting to feel like we the fans are being played - again.

It's a nice profit - 300 mil from a 30 mil outlay.....

Sir Alf 2:29 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
The problem with narcissists like Dave "the Pathological liar" Sullivan is they do not usually know they have this personality disorder. He is seething and his propaganda machine is going into overdrive now but media outlets sympathetic to him are dwindling fast. Such a shame COVID is protecting them from facing the consequences of what they have done. There is another expression that comes to mind "you create your own reality". Liars eventually learn this :-)

Sullivan and Gold and narcissistic personality traits. Its them ! :-) Sullivan must have been bullied badly as a kid.
Grandiose sense of importance
Preoccupation with unlimited success
Belief that they are special and unique
Exploitative of others
Lack of empathy
Jealousy of others ( owners, richer men, taller men etc)

Mike Oxsaw 1:47 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Northern Sold 12:40 Tue Sep 15

There's a theme developing here:

"All the players who achieved greatness after we fucked them off (for peanuts)."

I can see why the board would adopt that as their USP - it's fucking rancid.

VickyPkVillageIdiot 12:41 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Don’t forget Jermaine Defoe.

Northern Sold 12:40 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Hermit Road 11:08 Tue Sep 15

Paul Ince and Paul Allen next....

ornchurch ammer 11:12 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Everyone has got their breaking point = everyone has a price.

Mike Oxsaw 11:11 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Seems like the "Get rid of the old skool fans" campaign has shifted into a more proactive mood on their part.

How many "isolated groups of 30" can be dotted around the ground? Couple of tablets between each group so they can stream and watch the game without actually going through the turnstiles - I'm sure their singing & cheering would carry over the stands.

ChillTheKeel 11:11 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Jesus wept

Hermit Road 11:08 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....

Big banner of Frank Lampard jr at the ground.

Clueless, or worse than clueless.

Fifth Column 11:00 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
North Bank - you are joking re FLJnr aren't you?

Lee Trundle 10:57 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
North Bank 12:11 Tue Sep 15
"They've unveiled a lovely big poster of Lampard Jr today on the outside of the ground as one of our greats"

And apparently they haven't done one of his dad.

Completely clueless.

Bishopsfinger 10:47 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
They have had a small reprieve for now in regards to no fans allowed in the stadium. Once the protest can start inside again they will feel the pressure again.

ChillTheKeel 10:31 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Gold isn't a fan, no true fan would fleece other supporters just to line their own pockets. He's a despicable, parasitic cunt.

Bishopsfinger 10:23 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
They do allow GSB out callers on. Normally the caller finds it hard to get the key facts over. We need some kind of cheat sheet done. Then get this out there. It will not on help educate our supporters but also the media and people in general.

Takashi Miike 9:51 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....

Sven Roeder 8:54 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Did they allow callers on after this sob story?
It needs to be made clear to the media what the real story is and call out this bollocks

If they won’t put GSB OUT callers to air call up when they say ‘Let’s get opinions on Chelsea’s keeper’ & tell the researcher you have an opinion on Kepa
And once on air spread the GSB OUT word instead before they cut you off

WHU(Exeter) 8:23 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
Sullivan seems to resort to a couple radio hosts, like some pampered kids at school used to go running to their Mum

normannomates 4:58 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
The 'minority' is growing by the day..

charleyfarley 1:23 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
“Obviously they do not like the fact they’ve been hung out to dry and being persecuted it seems from a minority of the West Ham fans.

“There was a protest before the game against Newcastle, game number one of the new season.

“I said to the person ‘are you going to walk away?’ And they said ‘not at the moment… everybody has got their breaking point, but not at the moment’.”

lincslink 1:05 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
I know but Gold must just be waiting for a payout, the three together will fuck us all.

Takashi Miike 1:01 Tue Sep 15
Re: Owner tells radio station.....
lincs, only one is a fan and he's the least involved in running the club

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