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ATHammer 12:19 Sat Dec 12
Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N

Its yet another fucking politics thread.

Whoopee fucking do

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Kaiser Zoso 10:11 Wed Dec 16
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Oh, fuck me but here’s another who can’t let a day go by without bringing something up

ray winstone 10:05 Wed Dec 16
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:13 Wed Dec 16

What a strange post, being as it's your beloved Conservative Party that seems to not only breed them but protect them also.
If you'd like to have a debate about it, let's crack on, I'm all ears.....

Hammer-n-nails 2:06 Wed Dec 16
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
I think you'll find it was Stephen Harper that originally invited the Chinese army to train with the Canadians, Mr Sock.

Capitol Man 1:55 Wed Dec 16
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
They call that projection surface.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:13 Wed Dec 16
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Has Winstone managed to go 12 hours without fantasizing about politicians fiddling with small boys yet?

zebthecat 11:15 Tue Dec 15
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Moncurs Putting Iron 5:05 Mon Dec 14

Because they don't want to be responsible for killing people unnecessarily and overloading the NHS. I criticise the government when they do something wrong but protesting those who are more likely seems like a pretty good thing to do.

ray winstone 11:07 Tue Dec 15
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Gave Cummings a nice £40k pay rise AFTER the Barnard Castle trip, what next, Patel to be made minister for bullying?

master 7:22 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N

Why doesn't anybody do any research anymore? Just happy to regurgitate rubbish they've read in unreliable newspapers or echo chamber social media platforms... All in the desire to entrench their biased positions.

Or to put it another way...

Baaaaa baaaa baaaaaa

Crassus 6:23 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N

Well I agree, it's utter bollox, the bastard thing is so unreliable that many, me included, won't even down load the app

I take an entirely different view on this and that is the whole handling of this has been a deceptive clusterfuck, with scientists, and mostly mathematical scientists and statisticians, leading the government by the nose with half truths and quite frankly, deceptive comment

The public are seeing straight through it and voting with their feet

Meanwhile the most effective opposition are Tory MP's - Labour are a party of non opposition attempting a 'good pandemic' - cunts one and all

Oh and I note that the lock us down for ever, this that and the other need more money, where is my wage increase brigade are generally shouting from the public sector -saying raise tax on the private sector - fucking morons!

Darlo Debs 6:15 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Not sayi g they have nothing to.offer,. But moncs makes a good point, we can't look.after them.if our economy is crippled and the same young people getting criticised are our tax payers and carers for the next lot of old people coming down the track.

BRANDED 6:11 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Old people have little to offer. The younger generations must flourish to help the rest.

BRANDED 6:10 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
I think a crisis is a perfect opportunity to print money and hand it to your mates.

ray winstone 6:05 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
I think the £12billion spaffed up the wall on the really rather useless Track & Trace (remember, world class by June) has to be his biggest lie/failure.

I'm sure that 90% of you will disagree......

Darlo Debs 6:03 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
They dont want to be overly totally overrun though.

I take your point and think.young people are getting a rough ride in all this. Everyone is finger pointing at how selfish they are but given the baby boomer generation have given them unaffordable housing, tuition fees and brexit and are now telling them to put their future on hold to save the 60 plus's i can see why they are thinking why should we?

If we didnt want them to spread.the virus then the uni's should have been closed and so.should schools.

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:58 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N

Yeah I know it sounds brutal.

But NHS wages need to be paid and equipment costs covered.

A generation is in danger of getting a terrible education.

And people are losing their edge on the work front.

The recession and depression ramifications will still be here affecting generations long after the elderly have passed.

The needs of the many and all that.

Chigwell 5:53 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Moncurs not Movies. Bloody spellcheck

Chigwell 5:52 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Movies - you are all heart. Let the older people die but stop the younger ones getting unwell for a week or two. Great idea.

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:51 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N

For people who have a good chance of visiting at this time of year anyway?

Get people back to work, earning and paying tax. That should be the priority.

Darlo Debs 5:46 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
Moncs they are doing it to decrease hospital.admissions

riosleftsock 5:08 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N

I used to think he was just a joke, like the horse PM in New Zealand. But inviting the Chinese army to train in Canada is possibly the single most stupid thing he could have done.

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:05 Mon Dec 14
Re: Bungling Boris. Has there ever been a bigger fuck up running our great country? Cunt is worse than N
I don't know why they are prioritising people that are near death and aren't contributing to the economy.

Surely you focus on the 30 - 40 workforce first, get them back to work, then the 20 - 30, then the 40 - 50 and THEN go for older than that with a prioritising those in work

The government have done things well, but one of the areas they need to improve is trying to give something to everyone and doing the bleeding heart thing instead saying we are about getting our workforce and therefore our economy moving.

They are too frightened of seeing Jim 92 who fought in the war being wheeled out by the Mass Media.

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