WHO Poll

arsene york-hunt 12:26 Sun Jun 20
You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Which groups of people would you cull after you've got rid of all the spurs fans?

Black cab drivers
People who go to rock concerts.
The Woke brigade.
People wearing baseball caps.

That should do for starters.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

angryprumphs 12:55 Wed Jun 23
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
PwoperNaughtyButNot 7:33 Tue Jun 22

Litter droppers, totally agree, for me it is the mark of the decent person. I have never met anyone who drop litter who is not a selfish cunt.

arsene york-hunt 11:57 Wed Jun 23
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
BMW drivers
People who own off road vehicles but only go off road when they park on the pavement.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 7:33 Tue Jun 22
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Litter droppers

People that don’t clean up their dog poo

Angry tailgaters

Get rid of those people and the world is an nicer place instantly plus they can’t breed and creat littler versions of themselves. Win win

Westside 7:04 Tue Jun 22
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Cyclists are allowed to ride two abreast - it's in the Highway Code.

The same Highway Code says "ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends."

Which cyclists seem to ignore.

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:05 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Have the Prime Minister neutered for a kick off.

fraser 9:35 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
People who have had the jab who look down at others who haven't and expect privelages over those that haven't.

People who haven't had the jab criticising those that have

White Pony 9:13 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
I can see why you’re all defensive Hermit, but that was actually directed at mashed, you strange little man.

Alfs 3:39 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
I'd just like to have an automatic pistol and a licence to take out anyone I wished, whenever I wanted. I'd start with the muppets working for my local council.

Hermit Road 2:07 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Self-awareness not your strong point Pony? Here are your last three posts on here to help you out on your journey of self discovery.

White Pony 1:38 Mon Jun 21
Re: Call to WHO's Zoltans - what is Wagyu beef, and what's the fuss?
“Foodies” are right up there with cyclists, vegans and Tottenham supports for me. Fuck off with all that“

White Pony 1:35 Mon Jun 21
Re: Cocktails
So, either they are two sad, inadequate pricks or they are the same inadequate prick pretending to be two people.

Either way, life’s too fucking short to care. Leave them/him to their fantasies. Attention is all they seek, so maybe stop giving it to him/them?“

White Pony 1:24 Sat Jun 19
Re: Peruvian or Colombian?
It’s a widely accepted truth that when someone brags on the internet to complete strangers about loads of supposedly impressive stuff they’ve done, they’ve actually got a tiny cock, smell slightly musty and work in Wilko. These people should have our sympathy, not our ridicule

White Pony 1:43 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Middle aged men who sneer at literally everything else other middle aged men post on a football website, in the seriously mistaken notion they are somehow cool, enlightened and informed when they are actually the opposite.

Cabbage Savage 1:00 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
the Ottomans

Dandy Lyon 12:48 Mon Jun 21
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Race baiters

factory seconds 9:59 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
people who grew up in southend but dress like they run a market stall on roman road in the 1930s.

Darlo Debs 8:14 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Ya bugger

Westham67 8:07 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Reels in ........ haha

Darlo Debs 8:02 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Not t on that W67. I was a Hammer long before I.met hubby and only met him because I was a fan

Westham67 7:58 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Yes Debs in general. All the womxn posters on this forum have bigger bollocks than you HR

Nurse Ratched 5:29 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Good spot, Hermit. Castration relates only to the MALE gonads. Not the female gonads (ovaries)

WHU(Exeter) 5:27 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
People who suddenly start walking backwards on a busy pavement.

If evolution hasn't trained the brain to even walk in the right direction then get off the planet.

Hermit Road 5:15 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Women will be ecstatic at the news that they won’t be castrated

Darlo Debs 3:40 Sun Jun 20
Re: You have just been appointed Minister for Population Control...by the Prime Minister
Westham are you saying that about female football fans generally or just Spurs & Millwall female fans?

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