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northbankboy68 6:40 Mon Jul 12
Priti Patel
Is anyone else confused by her? It's OK to boo taking the knee but racism against black Englanc players is unacceptable.

Likewise Johnson - all restrictions to be lifted next week while one of his ministers suggests rail companies should enforce wearing masks on trains.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

northbankboy68 3:27 Wed Jul 21
Re: Priti Patel
Simply stellar performance before the Select Committee this morning. As thick as Johnson.

Mike Oxsaw 12:50 Wed Jul 21
Re: Priti Patel
He's relying on pickled helping him out by grabbing all the attention over the next two pages and hoping we'll all then forget what he's been claiming.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:14 Wed Jul 21
Re: Priti Patel
I see 360 STILL hasn't come up with any of the specific 'unfairnesses' he has been complaining about.

Mike Oxsaw 7:57 Wed Jul 21
Re: Priti Patel
60 Euros an hour? Do you do everything in 1980s style?

Cabbage Savage 11:08 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel

Feed Me Chicken 10:51 Tue Jul 20

Pickle is CEO of 3 kumponys.

No1 smugglar, trainslaytor and prodooser of cabbige wine in village.

Opolojyz immediotlee

Hammer and Pickle 11:08 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
Send me your invoicing details, I'll issue an invoice you pay and I'll set up a Zoom session at 60 euro an hour.

Special offer for you.

Nurse Ratched 11:04 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
"I'm self employed FMC.

Do you know what that means?"

No. Why don't you explain it to us, using your own words...?

Hammer and Pickle 10:56 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
I'm self employed FMC.

Do you know what that means?

Lee Trundle 10:53 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
That's the life of a cuck, FMC.

He loves being humiliated.

Hammer and Pickle 10:53 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
Spoilsport - that was the 666 post.

Feed Me Chicken 10:51 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
Does this boring cunt 👇🏼 not have a job? The occasional time i come on here all i see is him posting everywhere and arguing with everyone. Pretty sad life to lead isn’t it….

Hammer and Pickle 10:39 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
By the way, what is the Home Secretary's name?

Nurse Ratched 10:22 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
I see.

Hammer and Pickle 10:18 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
I never claimed to have a "deep understanding of the processes, technicalities and remit of public office".

However, I work on the basic understanding that "public" means what it means and "office" indicates the fulfilment of some kind of service to the public. This understanding is painfully absent whenever you post your bullshit hence my assertion you have no idea what public office is.

Oh and I'm not here to teach you what public means, you mental old bat.

arsene york-hunt 10:09 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel

Basically, as a black person, there are 3 options

1. Is to say everything is loaded against me so I will study all the things that re-inforce that view and remain a bone fide victim all your life.

2. Be aware that there are obstacles in life, and by hard work and adherence to the laws etc. i will overcome all my disadvantages and make the best life I can for myself and my family.

3. Run away from it all by getting off your face on drugs, booze and conforming to the sterotype of the loser.

Hammer and Pickle 10:06 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
Now you’re engaging with an imaginary poster on this forum, HDC.

This is not looking good for you.

Nurse Ratched 10:05 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
Why don't you want to explain it to me? You told me I don't understand what PUBLIC OFFICE is, the logical inference being that you do.

And yet we've exchanged quite a few comments about it since and you do appear most reluctant to use your own words to give me the benefit of your deep understanding of the processes, technicalities and remit of public office.

It isn't just a phrase you chuck about every five minutes to try to make yourself sound like a knowledgeable insider, is it?

Eerie Descent 10:03 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
You said you would teach her, Polanski son, and she very politely accepted the offer.

The floor is yours...

Hammer and Pickle 9:58 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
You’re a 53-year-old adult and you’re asking me to teach you what public office is?

You’re having a bubble.

Let’s talk about Bakelite domestic appliances instead?

Nurse Ratched 9:53 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
*smiles sweetly*

I thought YOU were going to explain it all to ME. It's your knowledge we're trying to draw out, not mine. I've already conceded I don't know anything about PUBLIC OFFICE, just as you accused me.

Hammer and Pickle 9:48 Tue Jul 20
Re: Priti Patel
Who said it was? I was just checking if you could connect the term “public office” with “ministry of government” and “Home Office” in a coherent sentence.

Seems you can’t and I can’t be arsed either.

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