WHO Poll

arsene york-hunt 12:33 Tue Jul 27
Woke watch
There is a very good section on GB news where the ludicrous idiocies of Wokeness are looked at

I thought we would should have one for WHO. I'll start with Baptiste on BBC: In Hungary,an ambassador's family are kidnapped by Islamic terrorists and carry out atrocities. At the end of the last episode Baptiste finds out that it is a false flag operation and conveniently, the real culprits are white supremacists who want to stop all immigration.

Coronation Street ITV a gay black footballer is stopped by the police, because he is driving an expensive car. He is pushed to the ground during an altercation, and damages his leg threatening his career. Could have been written by Dawn Butler or a BLM activist.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer and Pickle 12:10 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
The problem you have with my posts is you don’t find any excuses for being the weak, miserable cunt you are in them. The pathetic attempt to misrepresent what I have posted as a defence of grooming, rape or any sexual offence is clear proof of the state you get into when reading my posts.

only1billybonds 11:33 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch

I've noticed over the years that of all the people on here, you seem to be the one he just can't resist 'going for' regardless of what you post so you obviously get to him, well done (-:

He's held these views for years so I think they are genuine rather than part of any act. What is certain is that he is little more than an absolute stain!

mashed in maryland 11:03 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
only1billybonds 11:31 Wed Jul 24

I always skip over his posts, especially when they're directed at me.

A big reason is that whenever I actually read one, there's about a 75% chance he's defending sex offenders and/or people who harm children. In this case its both.

Dunno if its his genuine opinions or just a way to turn every thread into The Pickled Show (getting everyone to cunt him off cos its all he's got) but you'll notice even his mates on here have given up defending him and avoid any thread he's in

mashed in maryland 10:42 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
Fifth Column 3:52 Wed Jul 24

We agree on most things Fifth, we just look at them differently and that's probably more semantics than any real difference in opinion.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 12:51 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
goose 12:40

Hammer and Pickle 12:46 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
Why should anyone with the responsibility of a police office be expected to just be told

“You need sticking in a fucking meat grinder, you filthy slug cunt.”

With no backup by a twit like Edward?

goose 12:40 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
I adopted an olive tree in Salento, Puglia.
Every year i get a litre of top quality olive oil from my very own tree.

It will go perfectly with the word salad you’re about to be served.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 12:28 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
Hammer and Pickle 12:17

Exactly my point albeit demonstrated by a rather weak poster like you, Edward.

So without resorting to name-calling, how exactly does ED's comment prove your point Emily.
You're obviously a reasonably intelligent bloke, so I'm honestly interested in your explanation.

goose 12:27 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
I’m guessing Pickles wife is at karate tonight.

Hammer and Pickle 12:17 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
Exactly my point albeit demonstrated by a rather weak poster like you, Edward.

Tah rah - have a Ghibli to watch.

Eerie Descent 12:13 Thu Jul 25
Re: Woke watch
You've got significant form for being a weird creepy nonce sympathiser, Fritzl, but you've surpassed yourself here. You need sticking in a fucking meat grinder, you filthy slug cunt.

Hammer and Pickle 11:52 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
Imagine being a copper in Rochdale with wankers like you lot around. Oh hold on, that’s clearly too much to ask

MaryMillingtonsGhost 11:40 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
As night follows day:

WHU(Exeter) 2:42

*awaits word salad and tiresome, pathetic ‘hot under the collar’ comment*

Hammer and Pickle 10:52

Don’t bother replying you braindead, sanctimonious, two-faced wanker. This is nothing but a football forum and anyone can tell you’re to much of a snivelling prick to say anything sensible in this matter at all.

Dwight Van Mann 11:39 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch

Pissed and abusive on a Wednesday now Pickle!
Your alcoholism is a clear indication your life is fucked.

We should all pity him a little bit more

only1billybonds 11:31 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
You have plenty of previous for defending rapists and nonces fourpence, your words and attitude on this issue should surprise no one who has been posting on here for a while.

goose 11:29 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
“ some vague opinions about how individuals feared accusations of racism”

They’re not though are they you fucking moron.
They’re worn statements of evidence from the people involved.

The reason you ask 5th not to reply is because you’re getting your arse handed to you.
And your insults are even more laughable given that a teenage girl would probably kick your teeth in.

Hammer and Pickle 10:52 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
I’m well aware of the report, arsehole.

And it is perfectly obvious that it is where the real cover-up is located. For it covers the arse of those who have systematically failed to support the police properly with some vague opinions about how individuals feared accusations of racism. It’s pathetic and the glaring fact is that the local police and authority feared to act because they knew that if they did they would be left without cover, caught in the crossfire from the Left and the Right.

Don’t bother replying you braindead, sanctimonious, two-faced wanker. This is nothing but a football forum and anyone can tell you’re to much of a snivelling prick to say anything sensible in this matter at all.

Fifth Column 10:26 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
H&P I didn't make it poorly or make a fist of anything. I agree with you on a lot of things politically but simultaneously you're an absolute imbecile who can't follow a coherent line of argument.

I've read back your response and you've totally ignored everything I wrote re the fact the Police didn't have cuts during the time of grooming gangs being ignored.

" If the police and the authorities in places like Rochdale were resourced properly and had the trust of a strong and prosperous civil society, there would be no grooming gangs there either now, ten ago or fifty years ago"

The independent inquiry into Rotherham (For the 1997 to 2013 period) states explicitly that Police simply ignored their own policies and states explicitly that people within all agencies inc police were scared about addressing the issue for fear of being called racist. This is a formal, independent report. It's not some right wing conspiracy. And nowhere does it say the issue was the police not having enough officers.

"Stop trying to blame foreigners, the police and poor councils for the cynical neglect of the privileged classes who can really do something about it with proper policy."

I forgot what engaging with you was like. I know everyone insists you're for real but part of me thinks you're an elaborate and effective troll because it's either that or you have a complete inability to comprehend anything anyone else posts and are a bit mental.

goose 10:00 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
What a load of old guff.

The privileged classes are responsible for grooming gangs.

You fucking bell end.

Hammer and Pickle 9:51 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
Well then your initial point was poorly made and now you’re making a bigger fist of it than ever. Of course grooming gangs have existed for years but that time scale can be extended as far back as poverty and social deprivation have been part of the human condition. If the police and the authorities in places like Rochdale were resourced properly and had the trust of a strong and prosperous civil society, there would be no grooming gangs there either now, ten ago or fifty years ago. Stop trying to blame foreigners, the police and poor councils for the cynical neglect of the privileged classes who can really do something about it with proper policy.

Nurse Ratched 8:43 Wed Jul 24
Re: Woke watch
Pickle, I don't know what you experienced growing up or what values you were raised with, but the result is you are warped.

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