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Pentonville 12:26 Sat Sep 11
Complex PTSD
It's a thing
Go on school of life on you tube and watch it
I won't read the comments here cos frankly I'm too busy sharpening swords to off myself. I have had mental stuff happen happen I should be applauded for still being here.
Boltkunt is amazing. He makes mad comments sometimes. I am battling a lot of demons.
Be kind. We are strong if we love each other. I won't read the comments so if vexed wants to say I'm weird then fine.
You have no idea.
Be nice to each other.
Love one another. Ur west ham xxxx

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:07 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
WHO Mail 67

Westham67 1:57 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
I am very confused. The first part of my post was a typo on my phone. KL=Kuala Lumpur the capital of Malaysia where we met up . I offered to go into battle first with some Aussies who were being cunts

joyo 1:31 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Fair play to you lot trying to help him out,especially Block/Penori...you have my support even though l ain't got a clue how to help

southbankbornnbred 1:17 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Hope this fella is alright.

I know a few people with PTSD. Horrible condition, but one that can be confronted.

There are some good folk on this board, who look out for people. Proper West Ham.

Block 12:56 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Ag ag, when he realises how ugly and fucked up I am, it'll soon cheer him up!

Lee Trundle 12:55 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Block 12:14 Tue Sep 14
"Been chatting with Pentonville most of yesterday"

Poor bloke. Aren't we meant to be cheering him up?


bruuuno 12:54 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
You’re a good lad block son

Side of Ham 12:27 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
So hopefully he's on the Pentonville Road to recovery!

Block 12:14 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Been chatting with Pentonville most of yesterday, he's fighting the good fight.

Overwhelmed by all the love shown on here.

Moncurs Putting Iron 12:06 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD

Thank you. I am the soppiest of soppy gits, but I am West Ham.

Coffee 11:44 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
chim chim cha boo 11:15 Tue Sep 14

chim chim cha boo 11:15 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Cheers Moncs, you are one of the most decent posters on here. It doesn't go unnoticed x

Mike Oxsaw 11:06 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Westham67 9:32 Tue Sep 14

I suspect it's a difficulty in explaining exactly what "being West Ham" is. I don't even bother now when people ask - I'm not sure there are any words that can be used in any combination to do it justice.

The best contemporary answer I can give is if you take all of today's woke "Me! Me! Me!" society and then position yourself at the polar opposite of those things, you'll be on the path to discovering what being West Ham really is.

Those who are West Ham know. I've no clue when it became noticeable to me - probably when it was first given a label. I guess I simply absorbed without noticing it in my formative days.

Anyhow. Enough waffle. Hope Pents is still on the right path and we see him back here soonly.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:01 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
'Ok not out of the woods yet, but has stepped away from the abyss and is communicating? That's so good to hear.

Thanks Peroni, never met him (Or you) but this incident was haunting my working day, funny what do decades of being a WHOer does to you.


I think maybe he's replying to Oxsaw but copied your post details accidentally?

chim chim cha boo 11:00 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Maybe you need to read it again brother. You at least owe me that after chipping in to your air fair home.

What I am saying is that once you can put a face on the thing that's troubling you you may find it a little bit easier to face your demons and see that there are people prepared to fight for you. Maybe you don't even need them as you're totally prepared to face them on your own.

Anyway my offer of spotting him a beer or two and giving him a shoulder remains. Just like it did for yourself mate.

Westham67 9:32 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Or keyboard Tourette's seems more likely

Westham67 9:17 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
chim chim cha boo 10:39 Mon Sep 13

I have no idea wtf you are on about mate are you pissed ?

chim chim cha boo 8:46 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Yes, brilliant news.

Tell him that he needs to treat depression like he treats Tottenham Hotspurs..

Once you can put a face on your emotions it's a fucking breeze to wade in with your pals and destroy them. And we're your pals. Depend on that. There are some soppy cunts on here but also some you'd be comfortable in the trenches with.

Keep putting one step in front of the other and move on to better things. Bless you mate x.

goose 12:00 Tue Sep 14
Re: Complex PTSD
Good to hear 👍

peroni 11:39 Mon Sep 13
Re: Complex PTSD
I’ve spoken with him tonight and he does seem to be through the worst of it. He really appreciates the support that has been shown and it’s definitely helped him. It sounds like he’s still fucked up and has a way to go, but he also sounds like he’s up for the fight. He certainly wasn’t the last few days,

I’m sure he’ll be back soon to express his thanks, but in the meantime - cheers lads.

chim chim cha boo 10:39 Mon Sep 13
Re: Complex PTSD
Westtham67 9:32 Mon Sep 13
Re: Complex PTSD

Who gives a fuck what gender someone is after the last two years of shit?

Come on Pentonville, post that you're okay or tell us what you need to come through this tiny part of life you need to get you better.

You'll make us all feel better about ourselves if we can chip in and not lose you mate x

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