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Block 6:20 Tue Nov 9
Polar Vortex on its way
As our old mate Ted would say, be careful out there.

* so much for global warming

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Alwaysaniron 1:31 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Do I need to dust off my skis yet?

gph 1:26 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
It has been estimated that the probability of a dropped and smashed bottle of milk reassembling with the milk inside and rising to the hand that dropped it is such that it is unlikely to happen once in hundreds of times the life of the universe (Thermal Physics, Kittel and Kromer).

It's likely that the demon hand out of the computer is rarer.

Perhaps I lack imagination, but I'm not worried about imminent strangulation.

Mike Oxsaw 1:19 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
"These models exclude the possibility of a demon hand emerging from your screen and choking you to death."

And therein lies the main problem. "Exclude" the right things and the model can say whatever whoever is paying for it wants it to say.

It's entirely possible for a demon hand to emerge from your screen and choke you to death; nothing in physics bars this.

It is, however, extremely improbable - having a similar probability of you being able to walk unscathed through solid walls.

Block 12:38 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Yep, I was trying to have a normal conversation, before he goes all "life coach" and talks about mental capacity.

As for your point, point taken to be fair.

But, recently scientific "projections" haven't exactly panned out(thankfully), have they?

BRANDED 12:38 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
A model of a future event in a complex system with a lot of potential variables is merely a potential guide. There is also never one model there are best middle and worse case scenarios and confidence levels.
Weather is a good example. The further out you go the harder it gets unless the weather is very settled or in a very predictable region.

The climate will be based on historic data but incredibly hard to know all the variables involved. However, they are also pretty developed using vast amounts of data .

My real worry about so much of science is that it is funded in such a way that the direction of travel is defined before the funding is made. This is also true of all kinds of government funded projects.

A big volcanic eruption would change things instantly and for a period of time.

gph 12:34 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
It surely must have put these words into your mouth, too

"Pickled, why is it you cannot have a normal conversation without being a cunt?"

since they could easily be addressed to you.

gph 12:32 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
I didn't put these words in your mouth:

"There's no respect for the science, it's all based upon models and what ifs."

You really ought to complain to whoever did. Perhaps it was a demon inside your computer...

Block 12:28 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
So you're now trying to put words into my mouth?

You really are a fucking moron, aren't you?

I'm attacking the scientific models in conjunction to Global Warming and the Climate Crisis.

As I've outlined, it's not as if Scientists are ALWAYS right, are they?

Fucking hell it's like talking to a brick wall.

gph 12:25 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
You clearly don't understand what per se means, and are too lazy to look it up, while commenting on something that contains it.

You attacked climate science because it was based on models. That's an attack on scientific models in general, not a particular model

Block 12:20 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
So people aren't allowed to question scientific models which as I've just outlined, have recently been wrong?



gph 12:17 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
It's not questioning global warming, it's questioning scientific models per se that's my target here.

If you don't accept scientific models because they're models, you're back to demons making things happen.

Clearl this point is way over your head,

Block 12:11 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Saying monsters would jump out my devices, to questioning global warming are two entirely different things, you fucking minge.

Good grief, there's some proper twonks on here.

gph 12:10 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Well spotted.

It draws out the absurdity of your idiot point about models.

Block 12:03 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
That's the most absurd thing I've read.

gph 11:59 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
The science behind your computer and phone is all based on models.

These models exclude the possibility of a demon hand emerging from your screen and choking you to death.

Why do you trust these models?

Block 11:51 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Pickled, why is it you cannot have a normal conversation without being a cunt?

In all seriousness, as we've seen scientists often get things wrong and over predict bad things that might happen, covid is a prime and most relevant example of where we were told there'd be 100k new infections a day. We've come no where near that.

It's all about money.

Hammer and Pickle 11:49 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Your model of science is one that predicts exactly what happens the next day in a pandemic or process of dynamic climate change. And you then claim the model "falls flat on its face" when that simply doesn't happen.

This is exactly you being emotionally and mentally unable to deal with what is happening around you. Step away from the computer - you using the internet is not doing anyone any good, least of all you.

Block 11:44 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
There's no respect for the science, it's all based upon models and what ifs.

We've just witnessed Scientists during Covid use models to make predictions, which has fallen flat on it's fucking face.

There's zero evidence to support global warming, climate changes all the time and runs in cycles. THIS is a fact.

Hammer and Pickle 11:41 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
It is well understood that methane is a far more patent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and it is also being overproduced especially in the degradation of habitats like cold tundra, rainforests and inland seas. Calling the details of the picture as they emerge “a load of old bollocks” is exactly what I mean about you not having the basic cognitive facilities to take this on board.

Why don’t you start by trying to gain some respect for the science at least?

Block 11:34 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Pickled, 80 percent of the worlds energy is used by fossil fuels, to convert to renewable makes a fucking lot of money for everyone involved.

To suggest, we as humans can change the course of the planets future, or control mother nature is totally insane.

The fact that methane apparently is meant to cause more damage to the atmosphere than carbon, should tell you all you need to know about how this is a load of bollocks.

Sadly, people like you and Joyo will believe anything scientists tell you, and because they are scientists you don't believe they can be wrong. They can be, and often are as they are only humans.

Throw into it these projects are in the main funded by Governments, so they'll spout whatever vitriol they're told to.

Hammer and Pickle 11:18 Thu Nov 11
Re: Polar Vortex on its way
Blot, you and your "mates" have simply not developed the cognitive faculties to take certain things on board.

This process often starts with a sense of responsibility for the natural environment around us, something a normal person develops at around the age of 10 (I remember having lots of fights with types like you whose physical development had far outstripped their cognitive capacities in the last year of primary school).

You are simply overwhelmed by the real world as an apparent adult, Blot. This is why you provide a market and profits for organs like the Daily Express, and why you come on here wanting to talk about it when you really ought to be earning a crust. But MMCC is real, it obviously totally overwhelms you and you are certainly not going to find any comfort from me, you nasty, gobby little emotional retard.

Now fuck off and do some work, and when you get there, please carry on fucking off.

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