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Pentonville 1:21 Mon Dec 13
It's happening today.
Yeah I'm a bit look at me.
Peronii u met Met My wife.my son..u did a long journey to meet me see me. U commented yesterday on my actual death note.but didn't text me. Im boring. I get it. Have I ever told a lie.

The pressure of being honest is hard.. u lose many friends. Then u feel lonely.. but when I was proud of myself I was amazing.

I'm done in next day or so.

Read my messages. See I never attacked defended xxx

I've decided like the Indian's said. Today Is a good day to die 24 hours. I'm so angry at the unappreciation.

I swear u won't need to read a long boring message from me

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

chim chim cha boo 7:28 Tue Dec 14
Re: It's happening today.
angryprumphs 2:24 Mon Dec 13

Outstandingly generous and I've posted that because I feel it should be recognised.

peroni 4:11 Tue Dec 14
Re: It's happening today.

Pentonville 1:21 Mon Dec 13
It's happening today.
Yeah I'm a bit look at me.
Peronii u met Met My wife.my son..u did a long journey to meet me see me. U commented yesterday on my actual death note.but didn't text me. Im boring. I get it. Have I ever told a lie.

I whatsapped you on Sunday mate as soon as I saw the thread. It's gone blue so was seen - check back and let me know. The offer still stands. Hang in there and get in touch.

Big Lad At The Back 4:20 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Stay strong mate

mashed in maryland 4:19 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Danny is spot on.

Your son loves you and needs you

If you take yourself out of his life he'll never forgive you

Do the right thing, you'll always be his hero so act like it mate

DANNY66 4:03 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
If I was with you now I'd fucking chin you ya fucking wally.

Ring someone up and chat bollox to em mate.

I've been in some shit places mate and it's my boy and the thought of what I would miss which has kept me going.
Focus on him mate,he needs you as his Dad and best friend.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 3:55 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Pentonville, remember your message to me a few weeks ago?
You said ‘Feel much better, almost normal. The battle is never won but I have these dips when it gets bad.’
You wrote that when you was in a better place. You’re now in a dip again, but you know you’ll come out of it, looking upwards again.
For the sake of your family, please don’t do anything they’ll (if not you) will regret for the rest of their lives.
Stay strong fella👍👍

Mattie Mulshun 3:40 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Seriously ?!

ted fenton 3:14 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
All here for you Pents

Sends massive WHO weather hug.

Fifth Column 3:03 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.

Your family would be devastated. They are better off WITH you being in the world, despite what you may think.

There are dozens of people here that you can talk to mate. Apart from Vexed, and the world needs more people to call Vexed a cunt.

⚒️ 3:00 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Vexed going too far again.

Not quite sure how he gets away with it.

angryprumphs 2:59 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Vexed 2:42 Mon Dec 13

I normally enjoy you being a cunt..... but this is just, being a cunt

Block 2:53 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Vexed 2:42 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.

Pipe down you soppy sack of shit.

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:51 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.

You know I appreciate what you bring to this site, but for this one and this one only.

If you can't say anything nice, find another thread applies.

Keep moving please.

On The Ball 2:32 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
"when I was proud of myself I was amazing"

The thing is, your wife and son think you're amazing now! I know you don't feel it at the moment, but they do and they love you.

With you they're whole, without you they're broken.

13 Brentford Rd 2:25 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Pents - Think of the pain and impact this would have on your loved ones?

Life's shit and hard for many, but this is not the answer, and not what you really want either. You may think it is currently, but it's not.

angryprumphs 2:24 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
"when I was proud of myself I was amazing" - and you can get that again, not sure what to say as i know exactly where you have been. There is light on the other side, no matter how dark it seems now.

If you fancy getting away, got a sofa bed in Croatia, flights from Stansted are £10, can meet you in Zagreb? I could do with some company.

⚒️ 2:15 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Stay strong Pentonville son.

Coffee 2:10 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
If you can handle another one of those soppy hugs, it's on its way.

Coffee 2:10 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
If you can handle another one of those soppy hugs, it's on its way.

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:05 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.

Sending you a massive soppy crossed hammers hug.

my phone number is in your WHOmail, if you or your wife or both want to talk to me, I will answer.

Put the kettle on Son, you deserve a brew.

Beat Freak 2:04 Mon Dec 13
Re: It's happening today.
Have a read, find somewhere local and take your boy.
I have fished since I was 5 (43 years) and highly recommend it's open to all ages and abilities and never too late to start.



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