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COOL HAND LUKE 6:26 Sun Dec 19
If you could retire tomorrow...
...what would you do with all your free time..?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Irish Hammer 8:03 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Respect to you mate, but don't forget, yes you are completing against yourself, I fully get that and I train the same way myself. But I'm 47 now on have realised in the last couple of years that you also have to enjoy it. I enjoy the pain, I welcome it. And that's not at all supposed to be macho, its just great thing to focus on and to accept. Then it doesn't hurt, it becomes almost enjoyable in a fucked up way.

Make sure you do your recovery work just as high priority as your workouts. Sauna, Yoga, Hyperbaric Oxygen (if you suffer badly from DOMS - which with your packed regime I'd guess you do!), nutrition, supplementation, hydration, all the must dos that people read about, say they are doing to their mates, but don't actually put into place. You're getting to the age of the poxy niggling injuries that suddenly take 3 months to recover from. And the downer of being out of action is awful to deal with.

Tip my hat to you sir !

Charoo 7:44 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...

I do 2-3 road runs a week 7-17k
I strength train 4 days with hiit cardio at the end.
I shadow box for 10 mins most days and fit a 12 rounds session in a couple of times a month.

With a full time job and 2 young kids that’s as much as I can fit in without the adequate rest to do the extra.

Really need to be on minimum 2 sessions a day with proper warm up, stretching, recovery etc. I’m in my early 40’s so need that recovery.

I could do the boxing now, do the Spartan ultra possibly - but the time taken to learn the oly lifting and the gymnastics elements while staying fit enough would be too much.

I would want to do myself justice, not just finish!

COOL HAND LUKE 7:17 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Bungo 11:35 Mon Dec 20

*revert to 'student time'* Yes, it's all too easy to do that.
I try to stick with some old management habits, like making a fresh list each evening before going to bed, so I have a few things written in for the next day. Even so, you have to guard against cherry picking, so I designate the 'worst' job as top priority and try to get it under my belt early doors - it's a confidence booster and gets you rolling.
You have to guard against 'guilt' as well... on the days you are having a break from it, you have to cut yourself some slack and stick to it. Funnily enough, a lot of people find it harder to do nothing than do something; probably why so many are "busier than they've ever been" in retirement...

Irish Hammer 7:01 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Charoo 1:54 Tue Dec 21

Can you not do that anyway? yes sit will take longer with work getting in the way, but it's still achievable now while your younger.

Why wait ? "Seize the Day" as they say in latin !

Charoo 1:54 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Physical challenges.

I’d choose something hard and work towards it, achieve it, go on holiday, come back and work towards a completely different goal.

White collar boxing
Learning proper Olympic lifting.
Ultra marathon
Learning Gymnastics for CrossFit
Competing in CrossFit for masters
Ultra race

They would all definitely be on my list while also doing my strength and conditioning work to maintain strength levels.

I’d do yoga too.

Fifth Column 11:29 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...

Yes, that is literally my aspiration on retirement if I have the money. Having lived there before my ideal scenario is retiring there.

I appreciate that if I'd said "Thailand" then you might have understood that more given you need to pay for anyone to touch you.

AKA ERNIE 11:12 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Aldgate quite a lot less, going out for long walks in country so spending fuck all there.
Cooking at home instead of takeawys most nights so again saving lots.
Also cost of living so much cheaper now ive moved out of london

Britannia Pub 11:09 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
aldgate 1:51 Tue Dec 21

It obviously depends on what you actually do but, generally, my living costs were lower.

I spent more on holidays and your heating bill will likely increase as you’re at home more in the colder months. That was all offset and more by not paying for the costs of going to work (commute, lunch, beers, etc) and being able to holiday outside of the peak holiday times. I also didn’t have to pay someone anytime jobs needed doing around the home.

Glenn Roeder 10:28 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Buy a motorhome and tour the UK permanently. Visiting each racecourse on my way. Fishing, the occasional game of golf and I’d probably do the 92 as well.

Manuel 2:45 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Ooohhh, look at you! Don't worry I'm off the mumsnet for so real mans talk.

DagenhamDave 2:23 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Manuel 5:05 Mon Dec 20

You're a proper busy cunt lately. Take a day off you wanker.

arsegrapes 2:03 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Irish Hammer 4:46 Mon Dec 20

Sorry to hear about your health problems, in that case I understand completely the route you wish to take and wish you well with it and your health. Sometimes simpler jobs can be more rewarding. Best wishes to you.

aldgate 1:51 Tue Dec 21
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Do you find you spend less money once retired or more doing extra leisure stuff etc?

blindman 11:19 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
I enjoy my downtime but appreciate it so much more after a day's graft, so not really looking forward to retirement. Can't have the highs without the lows, I reckon.

yngwies Cat 10:12 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Buy a boat and call it Dignity. ;-)

oioi 9:34 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
I retired a couple of years ago. Never been so busy. House maintaining, gardening, chauffeuring, baby sitting, learning how to cook, film scanning & printing, West End strolling, saving pubs from going bust, house hunting, WHU supporting and plenty more.

I need a holiday.

Troy McClure 5:20 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Learn guitar properly

Manuel 5:05 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Fifth - But you won't be going to live in Indo will you, full of shit fella.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 4:51 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...

I’ll be retired until such time as I have a brainwave and find something I want to do. At the moment I haven’t a clue other than I don’t want to work for some else anymore.

Irish Hammer 4:46 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
arsegrapes 3:20 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...

I wouldn't be able to mate, I have a lot of medical treatments and shit each week and I'm left with a Aquired Brain Injury from my illness which would stop me being able to function at anywhere near the level to be able to manage in such a scenario.

Its ok though, I'm good with my future, I've finally accepted where I'm at and as I say, a little cafe job on the floor serving customers would make me very content and even happy.

p.s. I made life changing money out of bitcoin, not a million quid or anything near it ! But I invested that money into a new business and 3 months after it opened my illness happened. = bye bye bye business, and bye bye to all the setup money outlaid on build, fit-out and architects and legals etc.

If your ever in Dublin in a year or two and someone tries to sell you a decaf almond latte is some tiny cafe, that'll probably be me ! :)

Admiral Lard 4:26 Mon Dec 20
Re: If you could retire tomorrow...
Spend it

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