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Admiral Lard 12:35 Thu May 19
Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
The coverage of the Europa League Final and, in particular, Glasgow Rangers’ fans before, during and after Seville had been extraordinary.

It got me thinking whether they would be as time generous and sympathetic had it been West Ham in their place.

Emlyn Begley’s report on our defeat to Eintracht is a litany of negativity around not only the performance but the club in general.

This is consistent with the BBC’s apparent policy of negative reporting around our club.

Scott Mullen’s report on last night’s defeat for Rangers’ reflects much positivity around their performance, their fans (who were involved in City centre violence after the game) and the prospects for Rangers going forward.

I suppose part of my ire is with BBC bias in general, whether it’s sport, politics or news. Does anyone trust the BBC to deliver the truth?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sydney_Iron 1:24 Wed May 25
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
BBC apologises for 'Manchester United are rubbish' gaffe on news ticker

Had to do a big spiel on it in case they had "offended" anyone.........hahahahahaha, fucking wankers! I found the Scottish woman talking about the Tennis more offensive!!!!


gph 11:17 Tue May 24
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
I notice Ian Wright reckoned Son is too good for Tottenham, on Sunday's MotD..

If there's a bias towards big clubs, maybe Tottenham aren't big...

Despite their delusions

Alex G 6:27 Tue May 24
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Turns out there's clubs they dislike even more than us...


Not sure why they had to apologise for saying something that's blatantly true!

Russ of the BML 1:03 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
I've heard west ham fans moan about our lack of discussion and assessment on MOTD. I watched the same show and we got about 4 minutes of various clips showing moves and chances etc etc.

As I said, alot of our support is very sensitive, they want MOTD to do about 25 mins of our game in fine detail.

Get over it.

JAC 11:46 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
BBC are not biased against West Ham but are blatantly in favour of the top 4-5 clubs.

bruuuno 11:37 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
I just turned on radio 6 as my mate said a good tune was playing. Managed to tune on just as the news headlines were starting. Fmob they are STILL going on about party gate hoe long cab they drag this story out for

Pub Bigot 11:21 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
The BBC are barred from Ibrox due to lying.

JayeMPee 11:13 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Dan M correct, BBC as with most of the media are 'top 6' biassed and have very little interest in anyone else. In Scotland this equates to the 'top 2' hence the OTT interest in Rangers.

JustAFatKevinDavies 10:45 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
you'd have to be a genuine paranoid retard to think the BBC have some kind of anti-west ham agenda.

fraser 10:45 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Pwoper Naughty - could have been loads of places but wasn't actually in the centre..

Well not the footage I've seen which was Germans attacking Rangers fans in their fan park.

WHU(Exeter) 10:41 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Matthew Holmes - 1:02 Fri May 20

PwoperNaughtyButNot 10:08 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
fraser 12:46 Thu May 19
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?

City centre violence, where was that then?

I think it was in the city centre

Tony Gubba 10:06 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
I hate this kind of victim, persecution-complex bullshit. Very northern behaviour. Not worthy of us.

bruuuno 10:04 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Matthew Holmes 1:02 Fri May

Spot on.

yngwies Cat 1:24 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Hate the bbc
Hate Gary
Hate the RNIB in the Chanel
I like dogs , I love dogs, love pets, can't harm dogs
Contrails in the sky not normal....

Usual suspects ....

yngwies Cat 1:19 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Had we got there I'm sure the beeb (gawd bless em) would have time for a mention for us, in between the Liverpool and City ...

Sydney_Iron 1:10 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
What a crock of shit! you could argue this for anyone of the clubs in the PL, well maybe with the exception of Liverpool....

Matthew Holmes 1:02 Fri May 20
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Wouldn't trust the bbc to tell me the time.
Inatituion no more.

Propaganda machine like pravda

Hammer and Pickle 11:21 Thu May 19
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
Has to be said, the BBC's reporting of the war has been shocking - no proper detail, shit maps and a total lack of any kind of expert analysis.

only1billybonds 11:15 Thu May 19
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?

Exactly. They have a bias towards the 'big six' and thats as far as it goes. This dosnt mean they hate us,Burnley,Leeds etc.

Dan M 11:04 Thu May 19
Re: Why is the BBC so anti West Ham United (apparently)?
SPOILER ALERT - they aren't particularly, but there is an undoubted Big 6 bias to their (and everyone else's) coverage of the Premier League.

They also aren't anything like "far left" in terms of the population but are in relation to some of WHO's esteemed membership.

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