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happygilmore 12:12 Wed May 25
Another Texas school mass Shooting
18 year old gunman. 14 pupils dead.

America is truly fucked.

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happygilmore 9:32 Thu Jun 2
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
4 shot dead today in a medical centre in Oklahoma.

Everyday in the US, 8 children/teenagers lose their lives at the hand of guns. Them gun laws are really keeping them safe.

Mike Oxsaw 7:11 Sat May 28
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
I don't believe ""gang related" shootings" were ever part of the American Dream - they were always something that happened during "A word from our sponsor", and could safely be ignored.

BRANDED 5:47 Sat May 28
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
I would think that criminals shoot each other all pver the World. Nothing unusual about that. Not sure why that’s even mysterious.

Young men walking into a shop and buying military grade automatic weapons and then going into a school or place of worship and shooting a bunch if random innocents is a US disease.

mashed in maryland 5:03 Sat May 28
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting

nychammer 4:43 Sat May 28

Interestingly, "gang related" shootings are usually excluded from mass shooting statistics.

nychammer 4:43 Sat May 28
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
Not to denigrate from gravity of this terrible tragedy, but I'm willing to wager that if this happened in an inner city with the perpetrator and victims black, this would be a done deal news-wise by now, Chicago alone has over 220 shooting homicides in 2022 so far. Random shootings in NYC are on the rise. Many of those impact children and minors and get scant coverage.

I'm FOR taking semi automatic weapons off the streets or at the very least licensing them. I'm also for more honest reporting of shootings by the news media, there can be little doubt that those in positions of power and influence cherry pick when to make noise about "Gun Control". If it was never off the news then reasonable Gun Control measures might be more palatable to more people and accepted and easier to pass in congress.

Syd Puddefoot 3:55 Sat May 28
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
This will please the NRA/Trump types.


A US woman has fatally shot a man who opened fire on a crowd of people with a semi-automatic rifle in Charleston, West Virginia.

Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

"She's just a member of the community who was carrying her weapon lawfully," he said. "And instead of running from the threat she engaged with the threat and saved several lives."

The woman remained at the scene after the shooting, and is co-operating with investigators.

Charges will not be filed against her, police added.

Butler was found dead at the scene from multiple gunshot wounds, police said.

Capitol Man 2:45 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting

Kaiser Zoso 11:09 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting

It’s not really ironic is it - it’s just a case of you being a pathetic twat who bends over for Russians - like the bovine sphincter.

Nutsin 2:20 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
Solid bond

I see it now, two things::

1) My eyes are failing me

2) you don’t know how to spell Fascist.

solidbond 12:36 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
Nut nut 8:09 As you can see the word racist is not mentioned in my post, so yes you was lying

riosleftsock 12:30 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
Kaiser Zoso 11:09 Fri May 27

Then you'll be pleased to hear that only about 6bn of the 40bn is for the Ukrainian military supplies, and of the 6Bn a sizable proportion is for 'training'.

Mustn't leave out the 'Big Man'

Far Cough 12:13 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
The husband of one of the teachers that was killed has himself died of a heart attack (broken heart) so fucking sad

BRANDED 11:12 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
They could send these young men over to fight Russians?

Kaiser Zoso 11:09 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
It's a little ironic that this should happen at the same point in time as the USA transfers $40 billion of taxpayers money to the military industrial complex for the purposes of manufacturing weapons to give to a country most of it's population couldn't point to on a map.

BRANDED 11:06 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting

In order to have these shooters you need two things. Nut jobs willing to shoot innocent people. The black man shoots the Koreans. The Chinese man the Taiwanese. The white man the black people. The latino other latinos. Etc ( all taken from recent shootings). They seem to like killing very innocent vulnerable people. Critically they legally bought lethal weapons easily available.

I fo see absolute nihilist vapid amorality in the individuals and am sure that that is not completely exclusive to US nutters.

goose 9:51 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
I love it when Pickle gives it the hard man routine.
Like being threatened by Mr Bean.

Hammer and Pickle 9:34 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
I wonder what opportunity you will seize on next to talk absolute bollocks.

Of course the police were there also to restrain panic stricken-parents and, if they used methods that seem excessive, to insinuate this was due to any kind of "woke defund the police" response to incidents of police brutality is perverse in the extreme.

You really are a disgusting piece of shit, aren't you, mimmler.

mashed in maryland 9:06 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
Indeed Nutsin.

The "you don't need guns, that's what police are for" argument doesn't work when police show up and stand outside doing nothing for nearly an hour, except attack people trying to go inside to help.

Wonder how much their actions were the result of any woke hiring policies and the "defund the police" pressure over the last few years? Cos I bet they wouldn't have acted like that even 5 years ago.

Nutsin 8:32 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting

But a good guy with a gun did show up, he just wasn’t a cop.

Nutsin 8:27 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting

Yep, the cops bottled it, they even hand cuffed and arrested some of the parents to prevent them from going into the school to protect their children…. One person was tazered by the cops…

charleyfarley 8:11 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting

Seems like the argument put forward by the NRA and republicans
"the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” is now looking very fragile

Texas Police Lieutenant Says Cops Were Reluctant to Engage Gunman Because ‘They Could’ve Been Shot

Nutsin 8:09 Fri May 27
Re: Another Texas school mass Shooting
Solid bond

4:48 Thur May 26

“Another mass shooting ,another indication that the US is facist far right militarized shit hole devouring itself.
A country doesn't spend trillions profiteering off endless wars and terrorism without that violence blowing back at home”

I k ust went back and copied your post.

Who’s the liar?

These are your words, are they not?

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