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Swiss. 3:23 Mon Jul 4
City Airport
Fucking chaos this morning and just made my flight.

Another Brexit fuck up. Don't believe the Tory's excuses. Didn't they say we wouldn't have a repeat of Easter and the Jubilee getaway. They just haven't replaced staff after the lockdown.

I wonder where those staff originated from? Let me think now?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

On The Ball 10:18 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Swiss. 7:30 Tue Jul 5

Really? They only open the gates for a train 1.5 hours before departure. You must have downed those glasses VERY quickly.

One Flew 10:12 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
I hate to break this to you FC but a six figure salary isn’t what it used to be

Far Cough 8:41 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
People with six figure salaries don't fly with the paupers, they hire or own their own jet, probably a Learjet

Mike Oxsaw 8:36 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
"Had to queue 1.5 hours for Eurostar a month ago."

Demand for stand-by tickets can get quite excessive at times, I'm told...still, all those exotic places the choo-coo goes to, eh?


Coffee 7:37 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport

I didn't have to queue at all last time I took a rickshaw, just a few seconds haggling. It was a lot cheaper than the Eurostar.

Is there a lesson there for you? Or even an opportunity?

Takashi Miike 7:33 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
what a sad, shallow narcissist

Swiss. 7:30 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Had to queue 1.5 hours for Eurostar a month ago. Nightmare. Had to have several glasses of Chablis in the Members lounge to recover.

Side of Ham 6:19 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
El Scorchio 4:20 Tue Jul 5

He already told us this about Eurostar Branded......nice try though.....

Mike Oxsaw 6:14 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
You're busy on here every day.

BRANDED 6:11 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Eurostar was busy going out, no issues on the way back

joyo 5:49 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Joe Royal 5.09 ...spot on

Side of Ham 5:14 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Are you sure it wasn't 'The Swiss' bullshit Len?

Leonard Hatred 5:11 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
I trod in dogshit this morning.

Fucking BREXIT.

joe royal 5:09 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
What you all forget is there are no staff shortages, there is a shortage of staff that will work for £10 an hour.

Mike Oxsaw 5:09 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
You'd think, what with all those Europeans fucking off from the UK after Brexit, EU airports would have no problems with getting trained staff.

AdamL 5:06 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Was at Helsinki on Wednesday. Total chaos. Was in Amsterdam Thursday. Likewise. My friends flew out of CDG Sunday. Same story. Fucking Brexit has its tentacles in the European airports too - what a disgrace.

El Scorchio 4:20 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Yup, it's been carnage at Shithole airport in Amsterdam recently as well. Was over there for work at the end of May and we had to send everyone who was flying home to the airport 4-5 hours before their flights as there were huge queues to even get into the terminal building.

Thankfully I got the Eurostar instead which was fine although some idiot woman thought it was ok to bring A GUN in her suitcase. Never seen so many police appear so quickly.

cambsiron 4:15 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
It is quite unusual for people on six figure salaries to be so inept.

only1billybonds 4:08 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
Fucking hell swiss,you have been pulled apart on your own thread.

Do yaself a favour, get over Brexit and stop making stuff up.

Leonard Hatred 3:52 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
He won't be able to reply yet.

It's hot so it'll be a busy lunchtime in Wetherspoons.

The shift manager will shout at him if he's poncing about on his phone lying to strangers on the internet.

Feed Me Chicken 3:42 Tue Jul 5
Re: City Airport
For someone who is so “well travelled“ i wouldn’t have thought you would have been stupid enough to blame brexit when it’s clearly not that as many countries around the world are suffering and plenty are worse than us so bore off remoaner wanker.

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