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Stepney.Ammer 9:57 Sun Aug 7
The new West Stand
What a piss take the club have taken with this.

This was the message from them following the announcement of the capacity increase/west stand configuration:-

"West Ham United is delighted to inform supporters of a range of hugely exciting developments and improvements to London Stadium ahead of the 2022/23 season, all of which align with our continued commitment to enhancing their matchday experience."

This bit in particular:-

"The West Stand Lower Tier will be reconfigured to further develop a more traditional football stadium layout, bringing the upper and lower tiers closer together and more fans nearer to the action."

Turning up today me and my two kids have seats that are FURTHER away from the pitch and now have hoarding next to us meaning we can no longer see any of the stadium to our right.

Clearly done to incorporate more corporate seats whilst a the same time stopping our section from being able to interact with the away fans.

Yet another example of our cunty owners

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Eindhoven Hammer 5:58 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
Stepney 4.32

They’ve been taking the piss from day one. Nothing will surprise me or shock me when it comes to those three.

Hermit Road 5:53 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
It is simply stunning that the club managed to move the seats further away from the pitch in order to claim that they were making it like a more traditional football ground.

Even for West Ham that takes some gall.

simon.s 4:50 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
Stepney - the majority of the games I went last season, I sat in that area, as it was the most lively. I should imagine it’s ruined the atmosphere round there big time.

Stepney.Ammer 4:32 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
Hopefully this is something Hammers United can take up with the club. It only affects a small minority but piss taking of the fans like this is not on.

joey5000 4:18 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
Agree 100% Stepney. Hopefully we will tear it down against the yids.

Stepney.Ammer 3:32 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
I woke up today still absolutely fuming about the new wall they've installed.

This going to completely kill the atmosphere in this area (which was arguably the best in the stadium).

No way is it to stop things being thrown, as this can still easily be done (although we will now be completely blinded when stuff comes over from the away lot). It's been done by our cunts of owners to sanitise and cleanse the 'old skool' west ham fans so they can have the new breed replace us.

scott_d 12:35 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
Here's the article on KUMB with the overlay image.

Clearly most seats at the front are further away and ther eare more seats at the back, assuming these are corporate?


Huffers 12:23 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
They have also segregated the corporate seats now with physical barriers. From a corporate perspective, it should've always been in place.

Huffers 12:19 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
The email yesterday morning from London Stadium (not WHU) said its 2m closer in the middle. I'm not having that at all.

I'm back in the West Stand, in line with the penalty spot at the Bobby Moore end and the view was fine. Row 7.

⚒️ 12:09 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
It does look marginally better, to be fair.

scott_d 12:05 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
It was definitely done to incorporate more corporate seats.

They said it was to bring fans closer to the action but ther was an old and new stand overlay which showed that only a small number of fans were actually brought closer to the pitch with the majority actually further away.

The board to the right of the stand must be to stop people throwing bottles etc. Must admist, not that it's completely new this picked up at the Rapid Vienna game where they threw bottles and even tried to throw seats. West Ham threw back and since then it's become a bit of a thing down there (I sit above and can see it all) and since then pretty much happens every game.

Rossal 10:01 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
Must admit from the east stand we looked across and wondered what the difference was. Certainly didnt look any diff from our view

simon.s 9:26 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
Fucked things up by 113 that used to be quite lively next to the away fans. Now there is a metal barrier so both sets of fans can’t see each other. That will ruin the atmosphere in that corner. Another bad idea probably dreamed up by someone who hasn’t got a clue about the game.

Anders 8:37 Mon Aug 8
Re: The new West Stand
joey5000 10:58 Sun Aug 7

I’d never go back to the squalor on Green Street now. 15 min queues for a stake drink and a dirty piss, poor view from the BML lower, junk food and derelict pubs before the game, an hour queue for the tube ? Good riddance

Takashi Miike 11:14 Sun Aug 7
Re: The new West Stand
no one should be surprised, we are owned by vermin

joey5000 10:58 Sun Aug 7
Re: The new West Stand
After almost getting used to the shithole Olympic stadium, they’ve built a fucking wall next to me blocking my peripheral vision.

Johnson 10:22 Sun Aug 7
Re: The new West Stand
No one should be surprised by this.

They got away with it for the whole move so think they have a pass to do or agree to whatever they want and fuck the fans.

And they’re correct in that thought unfortunately.

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