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Coffee 2:12 Sun Aug 27
West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Posted here for the record. For posterity. For Google's database, searchable by current and future generations lest we or they ever doubt that it happened. Pinch yourself. It's fact. Eff-ay-see-tee-fact. No matter that this reality only has a few hours to run and like Halley's Comet won't be seen again for another three billion years.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

terry-h 1:51 Tue Aug 29
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
The Boys of 86 highest position- 2nd.


Rusta 1:01 Tue Aug 29
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Just checked out of interest and leceister won the league with a record low possession of 42.4%

gph 12:25 Tue Aug 29
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
If we won the league with sub-20% possession stats, some people's heads would explode.

We're off-target at 27% average so far

Mex Martillo 10:28 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Well spotted Manuel 5:35 Mon Aug 28
Exciting days!

dm 2:25 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
When the club SERIOUSLY flirted with relegation to Division Three South.

dm 2:09 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
It is a fascinating site isn't it. Maybe I was being a bit of a masochist, but I was looking at the terrible start we made to our league season in 1979/80 when we were hanging around the bottom 6 for the first few weeks.
And it does show how memory can be incorrect. I always seemed to remember us pretty much running away with the 2nd Division championship in 1989/81, but our league form was indifferent until shortly before Christmas that season. Of course our last defeat was to QPR on Boxing Day and we stormed it after that. Allegedly John Lyall knew we were going up, so told the players to enjoy their Christmas and not to worry about the match. We lost that one 3-0.

, 1:44 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
We did start badly and Moyes chose to defend rather than attack his way to a safer position. That mode of play stayed on for the rest of last season.

Hopefully a better start, helped it must be said by an easier opening programme, will allow us to play in a more aggressive with less fear of losing.

Mr John 1:17 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
We had a terrible start last year

WHU(Exeter) 1:07 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
DM, I think the first loss after those 5 wins was Stoke City away? My Dad took me up to that game as a late birthday present. Unbeknown to me he’d also written to the club and I got to meet the players before the match.

Shame about the result, but still remember the Ray Stewart penalty from it.

Vexed 10:04 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Come On You Irons 9:48 Mon Aug 28

Of course we can't. Even top 6 is extremely unlikely.

Come On You Irons 9:48 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
The question is can we win the league. We have improved the squad massively by shipping out Mr Ego and his massive big head and investing the money wisely.

Leicester have shown that anything is possible.

happygilmore 8:02 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League

Coffee 2:12 Sun Aug 27
West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Posted here for the record. For posterity

I remember it well. It feels like only yesterday.

blindman 7:34 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
dm, ya bugger. Just spent an hour I'll never get back on that site. In '85/'86 we won 9 on the trot between October and December. Must have been something similar later in the season when I seem to remember we won all our catch-up games 1-0. Cottee and MacAvennie on fire. Good times.

Manuel 5:35 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Mex - We'll be top Friday night!

dm 12:16 Mon Aug 28
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
just before we were toppled in October 1983


Mex Martillo 10:35 Sun Aug 27
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Ha ha ha, registered Coffee
Was great while it lasted
Win our next 2 games and we’ll be back top,
Easy peasy lemon squeezey!

dm 7:39 Sun Aug 27
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
In 1983/84 we won our first five games and were therefore top of the league for a few weeks. I think we were toppled after losing our following two games.

WHU(Exeter) 6:14 Sun Aug 27
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Trust Sheffield Utd to burst our bubble.

wd40 6:11 Sun Aug 27
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
Lucky we didn't sack the manager otherwise we wouldn't be top.

Go on take it on the chin you lot as your time will come

Does it hurt the mouth when eating that humble pie?

Jim C 5:59 Sun Aug 27
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
I would have cheered if I knew they had scored against Millwall so I may have been pleased about a Sheffield United goal in the past.

However I definitely cheered that one.

Tomshardware 4:26 Sun Aug 27
Re: West Ham United Top of the Premier League
West Ham are massive and we are top of the league and European Champions. Enjoy.

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