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ray winstone 4:44 Wed Nov 1
Getting Old...
Lads, peeing once a night isn't great, twice is an inconvenience, 3 times is a fooking nightmare!

'Enlarged Prostate' they tell me, now on Tamurex tabs, anyone else on these? Do they work?

Come on chaps, it's good to talk......

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

BeauLarkyBuff 7:46 Sat Nov 4
Re: Getting Old...
Just had standard long distance lens. It's fantastic that you can have a long in one eye and a close in the other. The brain sorts it all out so no glasses required at all.
I had PVD in both eyes resulting in detached, torn retinas and the 'jelly' removed. This made the cataract surgery very complicated. Thankfully the NHS came up trumps once again. I could quite easily have been blind now.

Mike Oxsaw 11:49 Sat Nov 4
Re: Getting Old...
You can easily live a healthy lifestyle in the UK - just lay off the processed/fast foods and your pleasures in moderation.

You wanna binge drink/snort the white stuff? Up to you. Nobody's barking orders at you. Some might be barking mad, but not barking orders.

Fresh food's dead easy to buy and cook - especially with a slow/pressure cooker.

Leonard Hatred 11:39 Sat Nov 4
Re: Getting Old...
Oh, you live abroad, do you?

You kept that quiet.

Willtell 11:27 Sat Nov 4
Re: Getting Old...
"That must be the shittest bit of zoltaneering I've ever seen on here, Tell son."

I guessed that someone would bite but it's true Eerie.

I can't offer ray advice on his problem because unusually for my geriatric age (according to WHO) I don't have a prostrate problem, don't pee 3 times a night nor do I take any pills of any sort.

Healthy living on the Mediterranean mate.

riosleftsock 11:43 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
BeauLarkyBuff 4:43 Fri Nov 3

Cheers, sounds like you had enhanced lens inserted. I was offered them , but opted for neutral lenses as my natural vision used to be just -3.5 in both eyes, so I only need glasses for driving.

Eye is still a bit sore, but the unbelievable eye drop regime is helping. Only concern is that I can see the tear they made in my cornea, hopefully it just heals up in time. Hopefully before I have my other eye done in a few weeks

charleyfarley 11:06 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
Thanks Bungo

Bungo 10:54 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
charleyfarley 10:38 Fri Nov 3

Tamsulosin will relax muscles in the pelvic area making it easier to pee, so you should be able to get more out per visit to the loo.

It has also been found to reduce nocturnal urine production so hopefully, successful treatment will reduce the need to pee so much at night.

Happy to point you in the direction of more info if wanted.

charleyfarley 10:38 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
I'm confused on this one.

People are talking about Tamsulosin as a medicine to reduce the number of times you have to get up to go to the loo, but it's main function is to increase the flow of urine and can lead to frequent urination. I was prescribed it when I suffered from kidney stones

overbyyer 10:14 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
Stickleback wrote...

Re: Getting Old...
Tamsulosin brought me a lot of relief in the early period of my personal prostate journey. Took about 7 days to start working.

Same here, been on Tamsulosin for about 2 years, but unfortunately the impact is now wearing off and back to pissing a couple of times in the night.

Im 57, but have had an enlarged prostate for over 25 years but only started getting night time symptoms about three years ago.

Word of advice, if you go onto these meds still make sure you have periodic PSA and prostate examinations to make sure there's nothing developing in the background.

Stickleback 10:01 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
Tamsulosin brought me a lot of relief in the early period of my personal prostate journey. Took about 7 days to start working.
Be aware that neither the finger probe nor the PSA test are definitive for prostate cancer.

Eerie Descent 9:32 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
That must be the shittest bit of zoltaneering I've ever seen on here, Tell son.

Willtell 9:22 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
Sorry to hear about your ailments ray. I hope you get it sorted but I’ve no experience of it to offer help or advice fortunately.

aldgate 6:39 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
I've had aching hips/thighs/shoulders for the last week or so and i'm hobbling in the mornings and can't bend down so much. hoping will clear up soon as don't fancy that from 56 onwards - my old man is more mobile than me at the moment. wasn't expecting to have to jump up (slowly) to celebrate so much on wednesday

Coffee 6:18 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
"the Nutsack is starting to hang low."

You might want to consider changing your user name.

Nutsin 5:43 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...

Arthritis in the lower back is getting worse as I age.

Had to start wearing reading glasses in mid 40’s and now in my 50’s it’s my bones starting to show signs of aging. Some grey hair but not too much though. Skin still looks young though.

Other than that I’m pretty healthy, still wake up with the occasional boner too. Although the Nutsack is starting to hang low.

BeauLarkyBuff 4:43 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
Had both cataracts done last year (aged 68) after 60 years of dreadful short-sightedness, thick glasses and contact lens. It's was the most miraculous thing I've ever experienced (apart from children). Colours more vivid and able to drive in the dark. Still need reading bins but fantastic long distance vision.

Pickle Rick 2:24 Fri Nov 3
Re: Getting Old...
violator 7:09 Thu Nov 2
Re: Getting Old...
55 and go gym 4 times a week, weights/rowing machine and 30 minutes on the treadmill. But last couple of months been getting niggling injuries in my legs. At the moment it's my right kneecap, last month it was my left thigh.

You are a heart attack waiting to happen.

J.Riddle 11:45 Thu Nov 2
Re: Getting Old...
Swap the jam jar for a motorhome, you will be able to drive for more than a couple of hours before needing to stop for a piss, that's why all coffin dodgers drive motorhomes. Perfect for kerbcrawling picking up old brasses.

Bungo 11:39 Thu Nov 2
Re: Getting Old...
I was disturbed recently to learn that the Stadium Pal is a very real product.

Whilst I can easily appreciate the benefits, I feel that buying one would be one of those defining moments in life that would not be a happy one.


arsene york-hunt 10:59 Thu Nov 2
Re: Getting Old...
When I'm at home, I get a really strong urge to piss and have to go straight away. When I go to the match I never get the urge to go and there are too many stairs anyway and I don't go until I get home. as I can't be bothered queueing for the bogs after a match

On The Ball 10:30 Thu Nov 2
Re: Getting Old...
Consider what you drink of an evening. I sometimes get up three times a night, but that's when I've drunk umpteen cups of tea in the evening.

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