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gph 4:50 Tue Aug 22
Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
More than half of the 80 employees at Three Square Market, a technology company in River Falls, Wis., said yes when asked this month if they wanted to have a microchip implanted in their hand.

The RFID chip, the size of a grain of rice, is to be inserted between their thumb and index finger. Using near field communication, it is designed to replace a swipe badge used for such things as entering the office building and paying for meals in the company’s cafeteria.

Employees must place their hand 15 centimeters or less from the RFID device in order for it to read the chip’s encrypted serial number and associate that number with the requested function. The chip is removable and free to employees.

Three Square Market makes self-service checkout systems for vending machines and mini markets found in office buildings. It’s the first company in the United States to implant chips in its employees, according to The New York Times.

Sam Bengtson, a software engineer at Three Square Market, told the Times he didn’t hesitate to be chipped. “In the next five to 10 years, this is going to be something that isn’t scoffed at so much,” he said.

Melissa Timmins, the company’s sales director, told the Times that she is nervous about putting the device in her body, but added that the innovative technology is hard to resist.

“It’s pretty exciting to be part of something new like this,” Timmins said. “I know down the road it’s going to be the next big thing, and we’re on the cutting edge of it.”

Three Square Market partnered with Biohax International, a Swedish company specializing in microchip technology, to develop the device. In 2015 Biohax began implanting similar chips in employees at Epicenter, a coworking space that houses startups and innovation labs in Stockholm, Sweden, according to an Associated Press report.

Epicenter adopted the technology for similar reasons as Three Square Market did. Being an innovative front-runner is important to both operations.

Epicenter’s CEO, Patrick Mesterton, told the The Washington Post that 75 of the 2,000 people who work at the space had the chip implanted, including 12 of his employees.

Despite the conveniences the chip can provide, many people are skeptical the technology will take off.

When the Post spoke in April to management consultants from the McKinsey Global Institute and Deloitte about the chips, they predicted the devices were unlikely to show up in American workplaces soon because of cybersecurity concerns.

Alessandro Acquisti, a professor of information technology and public policy at Carnegie Mellon, told the Times that although companies claim the microchips are secure and encrypted, there no guarantee a chip will not be hacked.

The chip’s announced purpose could change, too. It could, in theory, be used to track the duration of bathroom and lunch breaks without the employees’ knowledge or consent, Acquisti noted.

Acquisti told the Times that once the chips are implanted, it’s hard to predict or stop how influential they could be.

Would you allow your employer to implant a microchip in you? Might this technology one day be required in workplaces?


(not sure if this behind paywall)

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

deanfergi 3:50 Wed Aug 23
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
Livestock/pets already done, humans to follow = Mark of the Beast..? Maybe...

Mike Oxsaw 6:34 Wed Aug 23
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
All a bit Dan Brown, but this can only increase the number of kidnappings performed in order to gain access to buildings, data or money.

Hold someone's family hostage, tell them to go about their business as usual but to follow the kidnappers instructions to the letter as they have access to all the CCTV feeds covering wherever the victim is meant to be every day (he/she won't know/will be too stressed to think straight) and the family suffers if he/she doesn't follow instructions.

You only need target a few individuals and they may not even be in the same country or company if (responsibility for) the assets under target are outsourced (off shore).

Dirty Harry 21st century stylee.

Irish Hammer 1:18 Wed Aug 23
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
So if you chop the hand off the annoying cunt in the office you can get free lunches ?

Sounds like a winner

hacko 12:34 Wed Aug 23
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
And if, way down the road, and for reasons "they" won't reveal, they made it compulsory, what then??

defence 9:38 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
We have microchipped ourselves, our phones are never more then 3 feet away from us. Worse when that is the amount of information we are willing to give away about ourselves to companies for very little in return. Read the Ts&Cs for the uber app for instance, you let them track your movements at all times, if you are using the app or not. They can workout all kinds of stuff from what you do.

, 8:46 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
If you take a smartphone everywhere you're effectively chipped already.

Willtell 8:44 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
Baaaa. Baaa. Baaaa. Sheep and dogs get chipped don't they?

stewey 8:42 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
Every new born baby should be chipped it's the way forward

Mike Oxsaw 8:39 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?

There are people who are desperate to be controlled. Perfect weapo...sorry..asset for the EU.

How much of a fucking hassle is it to swipe a card for Christ's sake!!??

Queens Fish Bar 8:02 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
Swedish company already doing this.

Article from April 17.


longford 7:53 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
*** we should all thinK on a little bit***

longford 7:52 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
not in a million years !!! asking to be framed and implemented and very hard to prove your innocence if someone with the means wants to fuck you over.

also the right to anonymity is something which we should all thing a little bit on before we give it up with microchips in the fucking head...,.


Nurse Ratched 7:43 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
I would welcome this. It might help next time my kids abandon me in a layby near Newport Pagnell.

gph 7:36 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?

I wouldn't want to go anywhere near this, but if it became a condition of employment, I'm not sure what I'd do.

El Scorchio 7:31 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
For those purposes it wouldn't be so bad, but probably it'll lead to one day a system where 'they' know where all of us are, every minute of every day.

Alfs 7:13 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
No. I've seen The Belko Experiment

Grumpster 7:06 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
How much are they paying me to get it done?

I'm at an age now where I don't do anything illegal anymore, so doubt it would overly bother me.

gph 6:59 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
No, but I fear it's one of those things that will eventually be forced on me.

Takashi Miike 5:06 Tue Aug 22
Re: Would you volunteer to get microchipped?
would you?

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