WHO Poll

easthammer 12:05 Thu Jun 7
Fake News
Okay, we are already in the silly season as far as football is concerned. The Pellegrini report in the Mirror is just one example

But increasingly as far as all news is concerned it is very difficult to believe anything that you see in the media, be it TV the press and definitely not the internet.

There have always been exaggerations to excite interest.

Going back many years when I was a kid I was in a school group that met the Queen the newspaper claimed: "East Ham kids wash up for the Queen" - okay it was hyperbole but it wasn't what happened and since that day I have never taken for granted anything that I read in the press.

But now it is almost impossible to find accurate reporting.

What outlets do you trust for your info?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Willtell 4:51 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
Fake news really refers to the media's habit of putting a slant on things. For example a left wing paper might say that rail workers on strike are doing it for the concerns for the safety of passengers.

A right wing paper might describe the strikers as lazy and greedy individuals that care nothing for the disruption to passengers trying to get to their workplaces.

The liberal agenda would put both sides of the story, come to no conclusion and hope that it gets back to normal soon...

Football journalists are a complete waste of space and liars to a man. It's because clubs will tell them nothing until it a transfer or contract is a completed deal so to stay in work they make up shit knowing fans will lap it up and no-one ever gets sued for lying...

BRANDED 4:24 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
The difference between facts a beliefs is an interesting subject. Its all defined around your personal experiences v those of wider society. If I walk on a bridge and it doesnt collapse I have both a fact and a belief. If someone else observes me doing it they do too. Its rare you have news about bridges collapsing or being dangerous therefore most people will use most bridges but not all.
Even if a manager or player is interviewed on camera you might have to read through the lines of their words and body language. Only over a long time of observing them might you find youself believing them 100%. Equally if a messenger is proven to be more accurate over time you might believe their words more.

In the end you might just want to wait until a clearly identifiable fact is established before wasting your time and money.

Mike Oxsaw 3:45 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
News - fake or otherwise - is only used these days as a hook to snare an advertising audience (in the same way football kit is; the game makes no difference, the product exposure is all).

People who understand the power of advertising can take steps to address this, others fall for it for various reasons - some even think an advert is personal, made especially for THEM and THEM ALONE and so will suck anything up. Others have no social life to speak of and so advertising is a substitute for their needs.

No good saying you "don't read or watch adverts", the fact that they are in your field of vision is all that is needed.

I need to know what is good, but I don't need to be told what is good (especially if the same person/company or agent of that person/company needs to sell (me) whatever is under discussion).

Adverts: Research for the "can't-be-arsed" generation.

4ever-blowin-bubbles 2:36 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
fake news real news good news bad news its everywhere online and it can be about anything and sometimes its the russians giving fake news or its the chinese
or it newspapers just wanting to sell more copies

chim chim cha boo 2:30 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
whoareya 1:27 Thu Jun 7

That's a very interesting point. I consider myself a complete cynic and rarely believe anything I read in the press. I sometimes think I'm 'news-proof'.

I was watching that thing on Channel 4 about Grenfell with my brother last night and he said 'I don't actually know how the fire started' (this is before we watched it obviously).

I said 'I know it started on the 4th floor when some wanker's fridge freezer caught fire. Apparently he collected all his stuff in a suitcase before telling his neighbours there was even a fire'.

Then they played his frantic call to the fire brigade where he was obviously shit-scared and panicked and the real truth was that he left the flat without even putting his shoes on, didn't even take his wallet or doorkeys. Just his phone. Then he banged frantically on everyone's doors yelling about the fire.

By the time he was downstairs filming the fire (presumably for an insurance claim) the fire was still contained to just his flat. They even showed you the footage he shot on his phone.

I felt like a right duped cunt for believing an obviously made-up story.

MrSnoogans 1:35 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
I think there is a difference between poor reporting and fake news.

Fake news is creating an article you know isn't true in anyway an designed to sway your opinion.

I suspect the Pelli stuff is just lazy reporting and poor translation.

Ilford Hammer 1:34 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
It's quite easy to verify yourself whether something is fake news or not.

RM10 1:30 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
I don’t think they hate us they just think we are fair game for shit and that our fans believe it and react to it

whoareya 1:27 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
The fake news followed by a trial by media proof of this is the Grenfell Tower flat where the fire broke out.
Behailu Kebede name was kicked around that he packed a suitcase and left by the media and wrongly blamed for failing to raise the alarm. The enquiry yesterday proved he did not do this and was videoing and getting people out of there flats on his floor.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:32 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
The media have a hate campaign against us at the moment. Most particularly against Sullivan.

Now, while this may be handy insofar as it might cause Sullivan to stick to his word, it's also damaging as the club is being presented as basket-case, which can't help with recruitment.

They've hated us since THE CARLOS TEVEZ AFFAIR and are now making hay, sticking the boot in at every opportunity while pretending to be on the side of the fans. Two examples in the past three days it would seem.

jack flash 12:26 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
Personally I wouldn't trust any single journo where fake news is concerned

But where the news comes from several independent sources or is a direct quote (even taken out of context), as in Pellegrini's case, then it probably should not be considered as fake news

Obviously, some sources are less reliable than others, the Mirror, the Sun & formerly, the Sunday Sport (under Sullivan) are classic examples of dubious stories

Johnson 12:24 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
Cheers EggBERK, I’ve only bothered reading the quotes not the journo nonsense surrounding them.

RM10 12:18 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
People believe what they want even if it’s not true, the sun and mail are the worst together with these news source outlets, won’t change

Eggbert Nobacon 12:13 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
quotes are quotes

however the reporting of it being a row between him and the board was according to Pellegrini not true -

"I speak to Mr Sullivan regularly and we are in agreement about our approach to bringing new players to the club this summer,” Pellegrini said.

"I need to make it clear that there is absolutely no problem. I have been made to feel welcome by everyone at West Ham since my arrival. I already have a very good relationship with the two chairmen.”

The Kronic 12:08 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News

BRANDED 12:07 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News

Coffee 12:07 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
What outlets do you trust for your info?


Johnson 12:06 Thu Jun 7
Re: Fake News
What’s fake about the Pellegrini stuff? He said those things didn’t he?

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