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Darlo Debs 4:18 Tue Jun 19
Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
If so can you explain the resistance up until now of legalising cannabis oil for medical reasons?

We have been using Morphine as a a controlled drug for pain relief for years now, is Cannabis oil not weaker than morphine?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 11:26 Thu Jun 21
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Razzle 11:08 Thu Jun 21

That second point is an absolute winner and is one of the main reasons (IMO) cannabis should have been decriminalised/legalized decades ago.

Take it out of the hands of the people who also supply hard drugs and it virtually ceases to be a "gateway drug" and can be viewed in the same manner as beer is to hard spirits (although the breweries might be pissed off, and shriek about closures & job loses, the tax take from legal soft drugs is likely to more than cover the additional cost of any unemployment caused - and then some.

Razzle 11:08 Thu Jun 21
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
BONG! News at Ten
BONG! Canada legalises recreational use of cannabis and will make a shit load of money impacting black market..
BONG! *cough*
BONG! anyone going on a KFC run?

13 Brentford Rd 8:52 Thu Jun 21
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Hassans. It's more subtle, as you say it has the THC removed bar about 0.2%.
Still has all the CBNs in it though which is the bit that relaxes you & stops pain. You just don't get the manic high or paranoia.

sanfrancis-co-uk 5:47 Thu Jun 21
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
God's gift.Used wisely it's your best friend,

gph 8:01 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Why did I think the question was about Europe?

Don't think the Scythians made it to the "later to be UK"

gph 7:59 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
According to Herodotos, cannabis!

Though the delivery was different - they filled a tent with its fumes and sat in it.

Or at least the Scythians did.


Far Cough 5:49 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?

Mike Oxsaw 5:39 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
What did people in (what is now) the UK smoke before (taxable) tobacco was introduced?

BRANDED 11:47 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Canada has legalised recreational use. We look infantile bearing in mind we're the world's biggest medicimal producer of the stuff and you can smell it on every street corner.

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 5:34 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Does cbd oil work? It’s not got the ‘good’ stuff in hasn’t it?

13 Brentford Rd 1:19 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
I've been vaping CBD oil for a couple of months now.
Subtle but nice.

BRANDED 12:57 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Old white people scared because they were told it was the devil's work. Or something. Silliest laws on Earth.
Its far better than beer.

bruuuno 12:53 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
CBD oil

Toe Rag 12:35 Wed Jun 20
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
I know an old dear who buys some sort of cannabis oil from Body Shop, she takes it for her multiple sclerosis. Says it works wonders. I’ll have a look when I’m next in Stratford Shopping Centre.

She could be talking bollocks though.

one iron 10:50 Tue Jun 19
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Watch on the net, run from the cure.

arsene york-hunt 9:42 Tue Jun 19
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Apathy, Paranoia, acute psychotic states and in some cases it can induce schizophrenia.

Like all recreational drugs they can be taken in moderation by most people, but all the people I know who use cannabis daily can not hold down a job and blow all the benefits we give them on drugs as soon as they get the money.

Darlo Debs 9:41 Tue Jun 19
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Nurse if only....she is in hospital at the moment and isnt eating as she feels sick all.the time.

Gavros 9:33 Tue Jun 19
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
I was looking forward to a follow up to the cucumber thread.

Nurse Ratched 9:33 Tue Jun 19
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
Nah, she'll be breaking into M&S coz she has the munchies.

Darlo Debs 9:28 Tue Jun 19
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
sock the drugs used as medicines are controlled and strictly supplied and monitored....going with your argument my mum and others like her will be at any moment breaking into M&S at any given moment to nick petticoats, and the supermarket to.steal.the tena lady packs.

Far Cough 9:17 Tue Jun 19
Re: Anyone here with any medical knowledge?
It's like when potatoes were introduced, people were smoking them, some were wearing them, then some bright spark started eating them

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