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Leonard Hatred 6:09 Thu Aug 16
Ancestry DNA
Anyone done this?

I just flobbed into a tube and posted it off.

I'm expecting 100% Irish/Wolfhound but summat interesting might show up.

Furnish me with your anecdotes/thoughts/trousers.


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Westham67 5:00 Sat Aug 18
Re: Ancestry DNA
My last name is Anglo/Norman funny last name I know bit my Mum and Dad a strange sense of humour

Nurse Ratched 12:42 Sat Aug 18
Re: Ancestry DNA
If the remaining 2% is Tribble, she probably costs him a fortune to dry clean.

gph 12:36 Sat Aug 18
Re: Ancestry DNA
If the remaining 2% is Klingon, the overall result would be very exiting

Aalborg Hammer 9:23 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
My wife has just opened hers..

29% Southern England with East Anglia
28% Scandinavia
23% Western Europe and 8% Ireland/Wales/Scotland
Pretty unexciting...

Dwight Van Mann 9:16 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
70% English
20% Irish
10% Legend

Side of Ham 8:58 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
yeah geep.

Nurse Ratched 8:53 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA

Side of Ham 8:52 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
I don't see why people over here are sending off their DNA tbh to find they are one hundred % mongrel.

.......so you won't win Crufts who the fuck cares.

Far Cough 8:51 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
No but I do have delusions of grandeur though

gph 8:49 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
Do you like green wallpaper?

Far Cough 8:49 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
No jibes about Napoleon please :-)

gph 8:48 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
I'm certainly not 50% Gall - Nurse might be, though...

Far Cough 8:48 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
Well I am at least 50% St Helenian but I have an unknown father so fuck knows what the other half is

Nurse Ratched 8:45 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
Similar. I am fair skinned (burn easily; HATE the sun) dark brown hair, dark green/brown hazel eyes. Bit 'Iberian' according to my tormentor.

eusebiovic 8:44 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
I'm still very dubious about these type of services...

I accept that a person's DNA can connect you to a crime scene but this strikes me as a bit of a massive chinny reckon.

For example, don't think it's possible to say you're 20% Nordic, 50% Gall, 20% Iberian and 10% Gypsy

Didn't the Roman Empire teach people anything at all about history? There was so much crossover back then followed by so much consolidation and then back to crossover again in the last 200 years or so who the fuck knows for sure what they really are?

You can't guess somebody's DNA by the name that a territory is given which is arbitrarily decided by church/monach/state at any given time.

I'm calling bullshit

Norman 8:42 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
Most of my Dads family has jet black hair. Some are quite tanned as well. Must come from somewhere. I have dark Brown hair and am quite pale with freckles. Typically Irish really

Norman 8:38 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
Unfortunately not

Nurse Ratched 8:34 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
My gentleman caller teases me about my DNA being likely to contain a dollop of Iberian because of the paddy background. Therefore I refuse to have this done in case he's right.

Side of Ham 8:31 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
No French Norm?

Norman 8:30 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
My Dad is 100% Irish
Mum is 7/8 English 1/8 Irish

Came back
63% English
33% Irish, Scottish, Welsh
3.5 Iberian

Mike Oxsaw 6:40 Fri Aug 17
Re: Ancestry DNA
Given that evolution basically started in Africa, I would expect everybody to have a %age of "African" in them.

I'm a third Irish, me. My parents used a potato skin as a condom.

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