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COOL HAND LUKE 5:51 Sat Nov 3
Ramsgate off to chokey...
C&P Kent Online...


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martyboy 1:48 Wed Nov 7
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Islas mum said after it was said money had been given to them, they did not receive it!! But thats not saying that the donation from "West Ham" was not part of the reason the march did not happen. Secret meetings at Sullivan's house and all that!! We will never know, and best forgotten about.

Trevor B 1:15 Wed Nov 7
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
bruuuno 8:39 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Perhaps the money went to the isla fund

Perhaps it did, but people deserve to know where their money went, don't they? Plus if it did I don't recall any of the donors being asked if that was OK with them.

AKA ERNIE 1:07 Wed Nov 7
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
spoke to him on the phone after march was cancelled he came over very well even though we disagreed.
He knows he's fucked up big time and accepts his pu payment so good luck to him

WorldCupWilly 11:48 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
So according to his farewell post on Facebook he's going to be doing some writing.

I think that he's got his own character in Viz - someone suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Mickey Morgan and his Dicky Organ

(courtesy of Sauce! on KUMB)

East Auckland Hammer 9:46 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Sounds like it was more likely to have gone to the Charlie fund bruuuno.

bruuuno 8:39 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Perhaps the money went to the isla fund

Coffee 3:57 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Hefty Bill 12:27 Tue Nov 6

Without wishing to be pedantic, if one iron were to expand as you have asked, he may become a Hefty Bill. That could be confusing.

factory seconds 3:48 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
would be a good topic for WHFTV lads to tackle on their radio show on the recently launched centreforce DAB station.

Hefty Bill 12:27 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
One iron when this came up before RWHG were saying that the money didn’t go missing
You are now saying the money did go missing but it wasn’t micky
Can you expand?

one iron 7:25 Tue Nov 6
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Micky did not have a penny of the missing money,if you think that you have got it very wrong.

Knicker Wetter 10:28 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
After reading that article it wouldn't take a genius where the money went, he's a wrong un who threatened to slice up his own in a cowardly act, but he's West Ham so all good, wouldn't have stopped him and his goons from trying to dish out some slaps on his own if they marched

Yeah he's all West Ham that one and a silly old man to boot

martyboy 10:15 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
I was one of the lucky ones that Mickey invited to meet him, and his hangers on in the Podium bar to chat about the missing money raised from the members fees, and the donations for the march. I hold no ill feeling towards him, the only thing I would have like to have ask him, was where did all the money go? Was never given an explanation. But hey he's West Ham so can be a bad bloke!!

Nurse Ratched 9:07 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
*pokes Joe in the eye*

zebthecat 9:07 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
He is in his late 50s though, hardly a youthful indiscretion.

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 9:04 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
I get that people's view of him is somewhat skewed by what he said on here recently. Absolutely stupid thing for him to have done. But I'll always remember him getting me out of a shoeing at Man Utd one year.

I'm a bit torn as some of the shit he was shifting about could end up in my kids hands BUT we've all done stupid shit in our time and his heart was always in the right place. Isla Caton being a huge case in point

East Auckland Hammer 9:03 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
penners28 8:56 Mon Nov 5

How can he be a top bloke when he's a drug dealing shithead?

The two are mutually exclusive.

I feel bad for his family.

Imagine having a drug dealer as your husband or father?

On The Ball 9:00 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
penners - I assume it's because some people's noses are still out-of-joint over the march, and people also find drug-dealing a little unsavoury.

joe royal 8:58 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
It’s a mistake to deal in drugs?

The mistake is getting caught.

penners28 8:56 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Micky is a top bloke. Not sure why people feel the need to comment and kick a man when he is down. We all make mistakes in life.

joe royal 8:39 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Think Isla is found , it’s Maddie you are thinking of.

Nurse Ratched 8:28 Mon Nov 5
Re: Ramsgate off to chokey...
Did Gollivan contribute to Isla's find in the end?

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