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Sydney_Iron 5:09 Thu Dec 27
These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
What bunch of CUNTS they are on Social Media, is there anything that wont offend someone in this day and age?


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Sven Roeder 3:43 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
I’m sure Buckingham Palace would be converted to a museum with ALL of it opened up and many of the priceless artworks that are currently piled up in the 32nd bathroom going on display.
Would be wildly successfully in the style of Versailles which seems to pack people in despite the lack of French royalty.

Guy Gibsons Dog 3:03 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
Having been on a tour of Buckingham Palace most of what we saw was actually gifts from other Royal dating back a few hundred years, one table in particular was a gift from Louis (forget the number) but that was priceless.

Also if you really want to see bling go to the Armoury in Moscow, I wonder how many painting in the National Gallery have been gifts over the years?

Darlo Debs 2:29 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
Why?.Is the Queen the people's poet? Or do.you think she'll shuffle off after having given birth to the worlds biggest fart?

Nurse Ratched 2:27 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano

It's like an episode of The Young Ones on here.

Sven Roeder 2:25 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
There HAS to be about a week of public holiday mourning when she does.
Anything less would be outrageous

Some time in the spring would suit me if she is reading.

gph 2:15 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
I was hoping to take a week/fortnight abroad when she shuffles off.

Going to cost me at least 7 euros more, now...

Vexed 2:11 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
I won't be upset when she falls off her perch. What do you think about that Brexiters/Royalist weirdos?

Nurse Ratched 2:02 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
Popular Front of Judea...Judean Popular Front...


Darlo Debs 1:25 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
One thing KZ might ask.himself is why if the Nazi party were socialists did they kill so many Russians for being Commies?

gph 12:36 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
The "peoples' car" was a right con.

Hardly any delivered to the "people" before the war. NOT ONE to the third of a million ordinary people who had paid for one by the start of the war.

They almost all went to the military.

Cheezey Bell-End 12:28 Fri Dec 28
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
There had been a socialist wing of the NSDAP, but Hitler had it purged/killed. Gregor Strasser was the main leader of the faction but was forced out of politics before being killed later on.

Kaiser Zoso 11:24 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
The people’s car was their ideology

armchair 10:38 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
ha ha yeah right ...'the people's car' ...you've nailed it. no need to think about their ideology or any other historical facts. of course the nazis were socialists

armchair 10:32 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
replying to someone saying 'socialists are fascists' and the Nazi party were socialists ...so youre right on Godwin's Law. Well done!

Kaiser Zoso 10:29 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
It wasn’t a 'gambit'

It was socialism. The ‘people’s car' - what right wing would ever do that?

Give it up you dense cunt

mashed in maryland 9:43 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
Imagine using Mike Stuchbery, of "I banned the word banter in my classes" fame, as a source.

10 points for somehow managing to shoehorn Trump into this discussion though. It's almost like a confused and backward version of Godwin's Law.

Peckham 9:43 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
Its only a bloody piano. Beautiful instrument. Would love to be able to play one nevermind own one. Great scheme where old and good pianos were dotted around public places for people to open play.
Those offened I bet live materialistic lifestyles.
As someone funny mentioned be more concerned seeing her with a crown of hay or a clapped out Casio keyboard.
Godbless the Queen and more so Godbless Prince Philip who never fails to make me smile with some unpredictable comedy moments.

THE Queen was born into royalty. How could she avoid the duties expected. She keeps a fairly low profile and considering her age represents Great Britain with some dignity. No statistics but surely surely the Royal Family generate tourism income and As a whole do more for charities and humanitarian causes than a lot us. X

armchair 9:24 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
"'Nazi' is the short name. The full name for the 'Nazi' party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" ("Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" in German).

The fact that the far-right party contained 'socialist' in the name was a rebranding gambit to draw workers away from communism and into populist nationalism.

Despite this, the populist nationalists that support the likes of Donald Trump, regularly take the oportunity to remind modern day liberal or left-leaning critics of white-supremacists and neo-nazis that 'Socialism' was included in the Nazi party name.

more here https://www.indy100.com/article/nazi-socialist-right-wing-white-supremacists-history-twitter-mikestuchbery-7900001

Vexed 8:30 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
Feel free to explain JLAPdog of you feel you can. I know you can't though. Plank.

Kaiser Zoso 8:18 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
History like nationalising banks?

*claps sardonically

I can see why you lefties don’t like history and want to rewrite it

JLAP 8:14 Thu Dec 27
Re: These People offended and outraged about the Queens Piano
Vexed calling out someone as a plank when he can’t work out how the royal family brings in money into the economy., thicky

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