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Arthur Bach 1:45 Fri Jan 17
Eddie B - RIP
It is with a very heavy heart that I must sadly deliver the news that our very own Eddie B took his own life this week.

He absolutely adored West Ham with a real passion and hugely enjoyed the banter on this forum.

Our very own king of the 'cut and paste' has released his demons and gone on his next journey.

RIP my fantastic, loyal, and brilliant friend. Until we meet again, Eddie.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Tomshardware 11:07 Tue Feb 25
Re: Eddie B - RIP
Gone but never will be forgotten. R.I.P

Westham67 2:30 Mon Feb 24
Re: Eddie B - RIP
Nice one farley. I must be difficult Arthur I have 3 mates at far too young an age

charleyfarley 12:44 Mon Feb 24
Re: Eddie B - RIP
Thanks to lmwhu for the photos

chim chim cha boo 12:38 Mon Feb 24
Re: Eddie B - RIP
Great to hear Arthur and I echo your sentiment.

To eternal peace for us all.

Arthur Bach 6:27 Sun Feb 23
Re: Eddie B - RIP
There was a huge turn out on Friday, and despite it obviously being such a sad occasion, it was wonderful to see so many people paying their respects to such a lovely bloke.

I’m going to miss my friend terribly, but I truly hope that he has found eternal peace.

RIP Eddie ⚒

chim chim cha boo 4:54 Sat Feb 22
Re: Eddie B - RIP
Any of you at the funeral yesterday?

Hope he had a good turn-out.

Rest in peace Ed and I hope you're somewhere better.

Coffee 7:21 Thu Feb 20
Re: Eddie B - RIP
Larry Tesler, inventor of copy & paste, also dies.


Hammer94 3:37 Mon Feb 17
Re: Eddie B - RIP

Dudley Moore 6:48 Fri Feb 14
Re: Eddie B - RIP *Updated with pic*
Genuinely shocked by this news. Lost for words. RIP Jon.

azel senior 3:49 Mon Feb 10
Re: Eddie B - RIP *Updated with pic*
Very sad. Always came across as a good one.
RIP mate.

Big E 3:33 Mon Feb 10
Re: Eddie B - RIP *Updated with pic*
Very rarely get on here these days so only just seen this. Very sad. RIP Eddie.

Pop Robson 6:08 Tue Feb 4
Re: Eddie B - RIP *Updated with pic*
Jesus Christ another WHOer

Never knew him but he's been on here as long as me I guess and I'm used to seeing his name

Eddie B RIP

So sad reading this not long after Gavros,

charleyfarley 4:46 Tue Feb 4
Re: Eddie B - RIP *Updated with pic*
SS ...Funeral is Friday 21 Feb at Chelmsford Crematorium 12:30

Spandex Sidney 3:49 Tue Feb 4
Re: Eddie B - RIP *Updated with pic*
Has the funeral taken place yet? I feel so sad about this still, not because I knew him but I did go to school with him and had a few whomail laughs with him years ago about our Hall Mead days.

Rest well buddy, I hope you found the respite from whatever drove you to this awful outcome.

Athletico Easthamico 12:19 Sun Feb 2
Re: Eddie B - RIP
I was in the BML and there was a fair amount of applause.

Should have organised white hankies so that fellow WHOERS could identify each other.

happygilmore 10:42 Sun Feb 2
Re: Eddie B - RIP - 48th minute applause please at Brighton game

Good to hear. I thought it was a club one, and a bit disappointed to hear nothing on TV. Good his friend from here etc acknowledged. Again rest in piece, still shocking this one.

Hani 11:51 Sat Feb 1
Re: Eddie B - RIP - 48th minute applause please at Brighton game
God awful news. RIP

charleyfarley 10:49 Sat Feb 1
Re: Eddie B - RIP - 48th minute applause please at Brighton game
Chim yes I was in 256 and it could be heard at my end, as you say not a bad response considering nothing official was arranged by the club.

chim chim cha boo 8:30 Sat Feb 1
Re: Eddie B - RIP - 48th minute applause please at Brighton game
Considering there was nothing official arranged with the club a surprisingly large number of supporters stood and applauded.

I stood up (although I was just about the only one in my section) and had a think not just about Eddie but everyone we've lost over the years. In certain areas virtually everyone stood up.

The really nice thing was that we'd just conceded an own goal literally a minute before the applause. I'd like to think if the boys were looking down on us they would have laughed and said 'fucking typical of my luck'.

martyboy 12:38 Sat Feb 1
Re: Eddie B - RIP - 48th minute applause please at Brighton game
I wont be at the game, but will take a minutes pause and send good wishes to Eds family, rest in peace now pal. All the best.

wd40 12:27 Sat Feb 1
Re: Eddie B - RIP - 48th minute applause please at Brighton game
The trouble is far to many of them and its just human nature people just get turn off by it all and start complaining about them.

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