WHO Poll

chim chim cha boo 10:11 Tue Aug 3
Guilty pleasures.
What do you like that you really shouldn't?

As a Punk Rocker I really shouldn't have liked or admitted to like Sparks-particularly in their Georgo Moroda years but I just did.

I've loved them since I was a little kid watching them do 'This town ain't big enough for the both of us'.

I went to see 'The Sparks Brothers' documentary on Sunday and just thought 'I fucking LOVE this band' and they keep getting better as they get older. YouTube 'Edith Piafe said it better than me' and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway, you cunts? There have got to be some train spotters among you surely?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

joe royal 7:56 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
First record I bought was by Sparks.

This town ain't big enough for the both of us.

Lovejoy 7:44 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Highway to Heaven.

Side of Ham 6:16 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Posters on here who love to tell everyone what they've got or done or do thinking they are 'cool' when really they are try hard old fellas sounding like proper plums......Branded is a standout mug for this...... :-)

MrTrentReznor 6:04 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Croatian pop-star Lidija Bacic-Lille.
Was hooked after one video.

Pentonville 5:52 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.

Charoo 11:40 Tue Aug 30

thanks for your honesty lol i was co promoter on that - we raked it in! wasnt to eveyrones liking and the themes were a bit silly sometimes but was a laugh i guess. a grown up school disco

Tomshardware 5:48 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.

New Jersey 5:18 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Used to love a bit of Magnum PI!

Northern Sold 4:49 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Downton Abbey... mainly for the Labrador

Animated Disney Films

Horse Dancing

Branston Fruity Sauce

Wolf Alice lead singer

WHU(Exeter) 2:08 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
backgammon, online in particular, play it way too much.

am above average but after 30 years of playing need to accept that I'm not going to make the worlds top 5% and retire early off it.

Nurse Ratched 1:55 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.

Coffee 1:53 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
P.S. Thanks for posting that video.

Coffee 1:51 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Understood and agreed.

BRANDED 1:51 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
There’s a fine line between pleasure and obsession

Nurse Ratched 1:47 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.

It's about the movement for me, so videos rather than photos. It's exquisitely beautiful. The human eye/brain can't see the extraordinary shapes caused by falling water droplets (it's best when they are falling into water) and it's only possible when the footage is slowed down. I've mentioned before that I've been diagnosed with autism. So when I get into something I REALLY get into something. Arf! I can watch these videos for hours.


Coffee 1:40 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Nurse Ratched 12:12 Wed Aug 31

When I was at university, one young lecturer had pinned a load of old interesting research about erosion caused by precipitation on a notice board in the corridor. This included a large b&w photo of what you describe - a water droplet splashing onto soil. It was a good photo, there's no disputing that. But to this day, I doubt it contributed anything beyond exhibitionism to an understanding of either precipitation or erosion. I wonder if she's still got the negative?

Sydney_Iron 1:38 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Not guilty, m'lord



Coffee 1:33 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Sydney_Iron 1:32 Wed Aug 31

Guilty? Or just pleasure?

Sydney_Iron 1:32 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.

BRANDED 1:26 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
Large Cuban cigars and single malts.

Cheezey Bell-End 1:19 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
K-pop girl groups

Seeing Russian tanks blow up.


Hammer and Pickle 12:21 Wed Aug 31
Re: Guilty pleasures.
This WHO Gorbachev obituary meltdown - bloody funny, that was.

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