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PwoperNaughtyButNot 11:39 Fri Oct 22
Alec Baldwin
Is he an agent?

Shot dead a director of photography on set who - for some reason the BBC have to tell us in the article - is - According to her personal website, Ms Hutchins was from Ukraine and grew up on a Soviet military base in the Arctic Circle.

Weird goings on

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

zico 5:04 Mon Oct 25
Re: Alec Baldwin
She was hit in the chest and director in the shoulder Allegedly.


stewey 4:25 Mon Oct 25
Re: Alec Baldwin
Had more shots on target than 2nd half Spurs

Swiss. 2:59 Mon Oct 25
Re: Alec Baldwin
BillC79 1:53 Mon Oct 25

A bullet normally enters the body and exits at a completely different angle. It's spinning at high velocity so when it hits bone/muscle and can go off anywhere.So if it was a close up of the barrell I guess it could have entered her head and exited at the side and hit the director.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:39 Mon Oct 25
Re: Alec Baldwin
Is it beyond Hollywood technology to film a bloke pulling the trigger of an empty gun and then adding a gunshot sound?

mashed in maryland 1:31 Mon Oct 25
Re: Alec Baldwin
Still cannot believe that the go-to method in Hollywood is to use genuine guns and often using genuine live rounds.

This is the industry that shoehorns CGI into just about everything and often spend fortunes on prosthetics and makeup to make people look like people they're not instead of just using someone who looks like their part.

Blank firing replicas exist... can no one manufacture blanks that pass as live? If seeing them in revolver chambers is so important.

Seems a really simple problem to fix given the risks.

Leonard Hatred 12:09 Mon Oct 25
Re: Would you entrust your health & safety & ultimately life, to something that looks and acts like this

GO doesn't like criticism or folk disagreeing with him.

He'll accuse you of paedophilia now.

gph 2:13 Mon Oct 25
Re: Would you entrust your health & safety & ultimately life, to something that looks and acts like this
Golden Oldie: pretty sure you wouldn't get many jobs with high responsibility on the basis of your last post.

Which isn't something you should be complaining about, since you were ranting on about the inadequacy of the filters for employment.

BillC79 1:53 Mon Oct 25
Re: Alec Baldwin
Did it come out why he was pointing the gun at her and the director? Or was it a ricochet?

Nurse Ratched 12:40 Mon Oct 25
Re: Alec Baldwin
Ms Hutchins' grieving husband says he doesn't blame Alec Baldwin. Fair enough. I've a feeling he and/or the rest of her family will do a 180 on that once he works out who on set has the deepest pockets. It's not going to be that preening div of a 24 year old armourer, is it?

Swiss. 9:00 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
NPCMeMe 2:46 Sun Oct 24

Budgets are tight post Covid.

NPCMeMe 2:46 Sun Oct 24
Would you entrust your health & safety & ultimately life, to something that looks and acts like this
This was the person in charge of firearms on Alec Baldwin's production, no joke


No need for a MeMe in this instance when society has sharted out legions of these two-tone haired, bolts-in-faced, tatooed and braindead commie whores and now they have been accepted and allowed into society and given positions with huge responsibilities, normally reserved for the most sensible, responsible and able while everyone else has to pretend this won't be a problem.

Say "2+2=5", or it gets sprayed with the water again!

Warning, this post was obtained from Twitter, which means it doesn't exist or something.

Hammer I am 2:29 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
oh no, the resident site idiot thinks I'm a moron, not sure how I'll ever recover. I guess you're probably a master armourer yourself arent you Walter?

Swiss. 2:22 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
daveyg 12:54 Sun Oct 24

Hammer I am = thick, ill informed moron.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 1:35 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
A further twist

She was married to a lawyer from Latham & Watkins

Lots to read up them and who they work for and trials they have turned up at.

legrandefromage 8:07 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
100 Live Rounds

Mike Oxsaw 7:48 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
Seems more a series of incompetent players in the process rather than an accident; should have been checks made at every handover of the weapon, no matter how much you trust the word of the person handing it to you.

Alfs 3:47 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
zico 6:17 Sat Oct 23

You never, ever use a gun loaded with real bullets on a film set. Those bullet holes you see are tiny explosions detonated by, nowadays, a lap top.

It was a tragic accident - end of.

Mike Oxsaw 2:52 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
Try disconnecting the two statements after finding her image(s) on the internet...

Hammer I am 2:21 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
you sure about that? doesnt seem she is!

Mike Oxsaw 2:09 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin
Her father offered similar services to the film making & entertainments industry.

She's fit for the role.

Hammer I am 1:48 Sun Oct 24
Re: Alec Baldwin

assumed it was a man, doesn't really change anything I wrote though does it, not sure what you're getting at

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