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Come On You Irons 12:27 Wed Sep 6
The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
This case stinks and is really making me angry and depressed. The father and the step mother flee the country after they have clearly abused and ultimately murdered this poor girl and now they have released a statement portraying themselves as the victims of a media smear campaign. Truly sub-human scum.

And nice to see such lovely contributors to our society were put up in a five bedroom council house in Surrey.

The country is totally finished.


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Fifth Column 2:41 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case

Does the "realistic prospect of conviction" test get based on solely on evidence already gathered? Or if it's the case the CPS feel there WILL be enough evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction by the date of any trial then that is sufficient, even if all that evidence has not been collected by this point?

Chigwell 2:21 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
They have all been charged with murder and child neglect, or so I understand. Assuming that they haven't admitted the offences in interview, I doubt that there is enough evidence as yet to convict all of them at trial. But because they appear to be a flight risk the CPS has decided to charge them prematurely, so that an application can be made to remand them in custody. I expect that the defence will apply for bail when the case reaches the Crown Court next week: there is no point in doing so before magistrates in such a high-profile case.

Darlo Debs 3:36 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
,* dare say there'd be

Darlo Debs 3:31 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
DvM no one set of people has a monopoly on bigotry. I darecsaybtgere'd be some Jewish people who are just as hateful.in tbe other direction. On a personal level though my sister is friends with a Jewish Foster carer . She is an absolutely amazing woman and if you found yourself in a position where you needed your kids to be fostered you couldn't wish for a better Foster mum for them.

arsene york-hunt 3:13 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
Father, stepmother and uncle all charged with murder.

Dwight Van Mann 1:23 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
Just after they bolted a family friend spilled his guts about what the dad had told him...

"He discussed this matter with a British lawyer and he advised him to run away, otherwise he will lose his other children and the authorities will hand them over to other people who may be of the Jewish faith"

This is their level of intellect. The old bill will have a field day

gph 1:05 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
NR: long, long ago, I pointed out that there was a materialist school among the ancient Hindus that believed that atheism the factually correct view, but should be restricted to the elite, as religion was necessary for social order.

At the time, you didn't have a high opinion of this school

Now, it looks like you've joined it

daveyg 1:05 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
You're in Portugal. I live here and boy is it backward. I've also been staying in Tanzania for long periods recently. There isn't much difference

Oi wot u looking at? 12:21 Fri Sep 15
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
I'm in Portugal as I post this. It really brings home what a 3rd world shithole my beloved England is sinking into. RIP that poor baby girl my heart bleeds.

Hammer and Pickle 3:25 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
No doubt.

Nafisa, daughter of Mufassa, son of Yourbossa. The Circle of Life, you know.

Nurse Ratched 3:17 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
"Call yourself Nafisa if that helps."

Is that The Lion King?

Hammer and Pickle 3:15 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
"trans nonsense, angry political partisanship, climate doomsday cultism, etc,"

Those sound more like your beliefs about what people you don't like believe. I suggest some particularly restrictive form of Islam for that. Call yourself Nafisa if that helps.

riosleftsock 3:02 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
Chesterton was miles ahead of his time, and mostly right. No wonder they don't study him in schools.

Nurse Ratched 2:52 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
Hmm. Remember that Chesterton quote: When men stop believing in God they don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything.

Until fairly recently I thought Chesterton was talking out of his arse. I used to think that religions (any/all of them) were pointless, frequently malevolent, and mankind would be much happier without them. All it would take is for more people to see reason, become atheists like clever old me, and religion would die out. We would be enlightened and happy.

But now, looking around at all this trans nonsense, angry political partisanship, climate doomsday cultism, etc, I don't believe that any more. It appears that humans may 'need' religion (or something 'unifying' in that way) in order to find their 'tribe'. Non-believers of Brexit/Remain, men-can-be-women, only 38 days till climate armageddon, etc, become heretics and mortal enemies. Maybe humans need all this or they go a bit yampy. I think the religions look like a safer haven for these human impulses than a lot of the stuff currently filling the gaps.

Come On You Irons 2:28 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
All religions are fantasy bollocks for hard of thinking sheep, in my humble opinion.

Moncurs Putting Iron 1:58 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
Nurse Ratched 1:39 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case

Yeah you know, the ones that don't subjugate, aren't hypocritical, don't make their vessels take a vow of celibacy then turn a blind eye when they father illegitimate children or sexually assault and ruin the lives of other peoples. The ones that aren't profiting from massive land and property ownership.

Those ones. The proper ones,

Nurse Ratched 1:39 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
...as opposed to all those NON-fantasy religions?

Come On You Irons 12:58 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
"I suspect it's a combination of Pakistan Police harassing and threatening their families and of them being a bit thick and thinking "we just need to get our story straight and we'll all be fine". If you watch the video they released, they're clearly not the sharpest tools in the box."

I'm not having that. There is no way inbred, cousin marrying fantasy religion adhering slave fanatics can be categorised as thick!

Fifth Column 11:26 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case

I suspect it's a combination of Pakistan Police harassing and threatening their families and of them being a bit thick and thinking "we just need to get our story straight and we'll all be fine". If you watch the video they released, they're clearly not the sharpest tools in the box.

Fortunes Hiding 10:43 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
I can’t believe they have come back to uk.

I’m happy they’ve been nicked, but if they’d stayed in Pakistan they could have got away with murder.

Now I hope they get what they deserve.

Fifth Column 10:25 Thu Sep 14
Re: The Sara Sharif (RIP) case
Now home and all three nicked. I hope they get locked up forever and tortured by other inmates.

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