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E12Hammer 2:41 Wed Jun 20
Women Commentators
Just doesnt sound right. Am I being old-fashioned?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Coffee 2:41 Tue Jun 26
Re: Women Commentators
I've never heard any female commentators, but surely few could be worse than John Helm who seems to get wheeled out only for every World Cup.

The Kronic 2:40 Tue Jun 26
Re: Women Commentators
Lawro's great! He just overdone it on the sniff last night. As is his right.

Biggie Biggs 2:37 Tue Jun 26
Re: Women Commentators
I doubt if many female commentators could be much worse then that fucking idiot Mark Lawrenson after listening to his inane drivel last night

Ronald_antly 1:10 Tue Jun 26
Re: Women Commentators
Keep dreaming wrote...

"Most of the good old male commentators have never ever kicked a ball ...."

How do you know that?

I'll wager you are wrong.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:07 Tue Jun 26
Re: Women Commentators
VH is trying to suggest that you aren't allowed an opinion on, say, cricket, unless you were a second eleven trundler like himself.

bovril 2:23 Mon Jun 25
Re: Women Commentators
Columbia? What the film studios? :-)

Takashi Miike 12:13 Mon Jun 25
Re: Women Commentators
he's working for ESPN, check out his blogs on their site

w4hammer 12:04 Mon Jun 25
Re: Women Commentators
anyone know why the fuckety tim vickery isnt part of the UK commentators analysis teams? He knows South American football down the the last grain of sand and is miles better than any of the squealers both male and female on offer...

could be that he's i) white ii) Male iii) of a certain age...

i guesss

Keep dreaming 11:21 Mon Jun 25
Re: Women Commentators
VirginiaHam 1:58 Sun Jun 24

Most of the good old male commentators have never ever kicked a ball, so your comment are a fucking disgrace

HairyHammer 1:31 Mon Jun 25
Re: Women Commentators
Columbia scored a brilliant second goal and the woman commentator who was basically doing a female impersonation of Alan Partridge fucking awful she was did not mention the through ball or the clever outside of the foot shot either, CLUELESS !.
If a woman commentator is someone who sounds excited but does not understand men or football, then a great job is being done.

Iron Duke 12:32 Mon Jun 25
Re: Women Commentators
This one on BBC now with Matthew Upson is really annoying. She tries too hard.

Darlo Debs 6:22 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
geep he is the immelda Marcos of football.

Sir Alf 1:12 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
Call me old fashioned but as they say in Poldark...

"T'aint right, T'aint fit, T'aint proper"

gph 1:02 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
As a service to those that turn off the commentary, I can bring you the most important fact revealed by yesterday's commentators - Jerome Boateng has a massive collection of shoes. Apparently, when he sees a pair he likes, he HAS to have it in all available colours.

Currently, he has 650 pairs.

Darlo Debs 12:45 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
Tend to block out commentary when i watching , pundits are usually annoying no matter what sex they are.. Only like a couple of them. George, Zippy and Bungle would be more entertaining than most of the others.

zico 2:47 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
SDKFZ 222 7:13 Sat Jun 23

I was thinking this myself earlier. I might be wrong but I am pretty sure at the Women's World Cup all the pundits were women who had played the women's game.

What irritates me is that they all use ridiculously flash terms and clichés to state the obvious. Same as some of the men I guess but at least we are used to the drivel the fellas come out with. But some of these female pundits actually make Alan Shearer look half decent!!!

claret on my shirt 2:40 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
I have no issue with women commentators as long as they know what they are talking about, but when i hear that Aluko women telling Slav and O'Neil about football it is cringe worthy.

normannomates 2:37 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators

Tomsdad 2:34 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
Barry Davies, Brian Johnson and David Coleman. None of these ever played their sport at a high level, they were just broadcasters.
Very good ones!

kirok1 2:22 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
Can’t be much worse than Jonathan Pearce or most of ITV’s World Cup team...

VirginiaHam 1:58 Sun Jun 24
Re: Women Commentators
No, no, no. How can you commentate knowledgeably when you haven't played the sport?

You need to experience the game to be able to understand it properly. Women's sport is completely and utterly different to men's sport. The level of physicality and aggression is not what women can cope with, and nearly all women would avoid such a conflict.

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