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the peckham cod 12:06 Fri Jul 15
WEF and their puppets
Keep reading comments from a few on here on off topic politics threads that many of the worlds leaders / would be leaders are all under control of the WEF.

Can anyone who believes this tell us how this works. Are they paid to take orders? Are they blackmailed. Or are they all just entering a massive gang of elites and therefore setting the agenda to suit the elites of this world and the money that they control.

Does Bill gates control them all or is it Klaus Schwarb. Is Elon Musk in with them? Do they have to have read 'The Great Reset'. Be signed up to the WHO and the UN 'SDG' agenda.

If everyone signed up for it is following the same agenda then why bother with party politics. Is that just an act. Does every leader of a modern democracy have to be a WHO puppet. Do bad things happen to them if they don't comply. Are us peasants allowed to join the lower ranks and work our way up if we show our vaccine passports, say a magic word and buy an electric car?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Don Ravioli 11:53 Tue Aug 2
Re: WEF and their puppets
This is easy to listen to and explains a lot of what is going on in Canada and Holland with regards to the farmers.
All broken down using the un/ wef documents.
It really isn’t a conspiracy theory anymore.


BRANDED 10:22 Tue Aug 2
Re: WEF and their puppets

goose 9:09 Tue Aug 2
Re: WEF and their puppets
‘Synthetic nitrogen FERTILISER’

A thousand apologies.

gph 3:03 Tue Aug 2
Re: WEF and their puppets
"synthetic nitrogen"


gph 2:02 Tue Aug 2
Re: Drink up: Cockroach milk is the protein drink you didn't know you've been missing
Tentacle porn - lost me there GO.

Care to explain?

Nurse Ratched 9:22 Mon Aug 1
Re: Drink up: Cockroach milk is the protein drink you didn't know you've been missing
Tbf, roach milk still sounds more palatable than soy milk.

Auntie Thermite 9:00 Mon Aug 1
Drink up: Cockroach milk is the protein drink you didn't know you've been missing


Best part is that I didn't even need to utilise any artistic licence for that.

Regardless, you WILL be Happy!

goose 4:47 Mon Aug 1
Re: WEF and their puppets
Trudeau has recently announced that Canada will push ahead with their planned 30% reduction in "emissions from agricultural sources" which basically means nitrogen fertiliser.

Nitrogen is THE most important nutrient for crops. The invention of synthetic nitrogen is what allowed humanity to grow from a population of under 2 billion to almost 8 billion within a century.

Canada produces 8% of the world’s tradable wheat, 10% of tradable barley, and well over 50% of tradable canola.

Under the guise of 'Climate Emergency' they are taking control of the global food industry.
Enjoy your bugs and lab grown meat.

, 1:35 Thu Jul 21
Re: WEF and their puppets
KZ, thanks for telling me what Str thinks of me because I never read anything he offers up as a matter of principle. FYI it was not the likes of him I was referring to in my post anyway.

Mike Oxsaw 5:23 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
The Earth is in the "Goldilocks zone" with regard to it's orbital position around the sun, which tends to suggest that anything to do with "Goldilocks" has got it right.

BRANDED 5:17 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
Every view is FORMED. You’re not born a pre packaged CUNT you have to learn very carefully how to achieve it.

Lee Trundle 5:09 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
Zero self-awareness....

Hammer and Pickle 4:49 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
Now that's an over-interpretation because Goldilocks's views are so cranky they incline me to that specific conclusion about Goldilocks and people with his specifically cranky views.

WHU(Exeter) 4:26 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
H&P, sorry for missing the subtleties, I get the general gist though. Anybody with a viewpoint differing quite a bit from yours must have some kind of deficiency and needs correcting.

BRANDED 3:42 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
Lee Trundle 1:50 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
I never knew your brother in law was a Jamaican pensioner, BRANDO?

wonders never cease Lee. Wonders never cease.

BRANDED 3:39 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
Joyo cums across all deviant there. Very fucking odd

IsaacHock 2:56 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
joyo 1:47 Wed Jul 20

You've made yourself look a right cunt there Joyo.

stewie griffin 2:11 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
seems to me they have created a world where people can get paid by someone else to sit around spending their days reading about them and posting about them on an internet football forum rather than do their job, so i'm not really sure what all the fuss is about

Hammer and Pickle 1:56 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets

You have clearly misunderstood my post. Try again paying special attention to the words “people like Goldilocks” and I hope you find the correct picture will emerge for you.

Lee Trundle 1:50 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
I never knew your brother in law was a Jamaican pensioner, BRANDO?

joyo 1:47 Wed Jul 20
Re: WEF and their puppets
Braindead 1.35...so what if you fancy and are sexuallly aroused by Jamaican pensioners

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